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On The Maintenance Of The Civil Rights And Interests Of The Land Requisition Compensation For The Women In The Marriage

Posted on:2016-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LongFull Text:PDF
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Land as farmers important assets for their keeping livelihood,after hundreds of years of exploration,in the form of land collective ownership and land contract management to determine. Land carrying the safe and danger of the survival of a party for farmers,along with the rural economy and the trend of urban economy continuous phase in line,land expropriation problem is more prominent,cause land expropriation compensation for civil rights and interests for “married woman” to become first expropriation compensation for civil rights and interests for “married woman”, most members of some rural women because of marriage, divorce,widowed and other objective facts to happen, coupled with the villagers can make use of by the residual regulation of civil law, economic interests driven and village rules and laws and regulations incompatible factors such as village, villagers' autonomy by a certain extent affected,the civil rights and interests of the "married women" are violated legitimate in the villagers' meeting,and according to the infringement, ignoring the reasons for the membership of the collective organization of the "married women".The core issue of this kind of dispute is how to determine the effectiveness of the members of the "married women" membership of the village collective organization and the resolution of the villagers' meeting.Besides the preface and conclusion,this paper is divided into four parts.The first part is mainly composed of two cases, causing problems to be investigated.The second part is to define the concept of "married women",analysis of the characteristics and the main sample of the civil rights and interests disputes of the compensation for the land requisition compensation for "married woman".The third part is the analysis of the judicial response and theoretical response to the current disputes,reveal the existing problems and shortcomings of the existing solutions,analysis of the causes of restricting the current situation.The fourth part discusses how to protect the civil rights and interests of the land requisition compensation from five aspects: the concept, the legislation, the judicial system, the security system and the supporting mechanism.At the same time individuals in improving their own moral quality,establish the rule of law. Countries should also increase the propaganda of the concept of the rule of law;It is suggested that the criteria for the qualification of collective members of the village should be stipulated in the law, and the judicial interpretation and the supporting documents of the relevant laws and regulations shall be promulgated,and the coordination of the law shall be eliminated;In the unified village collective members of the eligibility criteria and the rules of civil law for a reasonable judicial review, to the land contract and the right to confirm the way to determine the "married women" to obtain land acquisition compensation;At the same time,Broaden the channels of relief and improve the system to ensure that the "married women" land compensation for civil rights and interests are fully protected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Married woman, Land requisition compensation, Civil rights and interests, Village regulations and folk law, Membership
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