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Research On The Problems And Countermeasures On Taiwan Of The Communist Party Of China Since The Eighteen Congress

Posted on:2017-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503996417Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Taiwan issue is the major problems since the founding of New Chi na, Successive Chinese l eaders are all concerned about the Taiwan issue to take a variety of effective policy promote national reunification.After entering the new century, cross-strait relations gradually "melt the ice." Since the Chinese Communist eighteen, It has a basis in reality to further promote reunification: First, Since May 2008, Taiwan completed the new ruling part y, KMT instead of "Taiwan independence" in Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party consciousness, was el ected Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou came to power, recognize the "1992 consensus", cross-strait relations improved significantly, there have been many favorable new situation. Second, the cross-strait links has taken a historic pace of cross-strait high-level frequent interaction smooth, cultur al interaction to strengthen cross-strait economic and tra de exchanges and c ooperation in the development of cross-strait interaction mechanism to take shape. These positiv e changes both sustaine d political CPC T aiwan Work significant gains, but also the Taiwan authorities to release Taiwan's goodwill to our party.However, cross-strait relation hi ghlights a numbe r of ne w problems. For example, in early 2016 Taiwan ruling party, inter-party exchanges more complicated; gradually rising awareness of the island' s independence; economic and cultural exchanges are still on e-dimensional; psychological distance on both sides of the issue are difficult t o overcome and so on. Faced wit h these new issues, t he CPC should be a political strategy, c ultural policy, military strategy, Taiwan's political parties to work f our strategies propose measures to pr omote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. With the Communist Party of China innovative, flexible and pragma tic political wisdom mainland co mprehensive strength and international influence continues to expand cross-strait relations will usher in new prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:The CPC, Taiwan work, New problem, Taiwan Policy
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