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Research On The U.S. Policy Position On East Asian Integration From The Perspective Of Hegemonic Interests

Posted on:2018-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515477248Subject:Comparative institutionalism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In theory,the policy positions of the hegemonic power in respect of the practice of specific regional integration are mainly supported,opposed and neutral,which are reflected in the concrete action,show the intervention and non-intervention in two ways.The stronger support or opposition,the deeper the intervention,and neutrality is not involved.As to what kind of policy position for the hegemonic power will take depends on the contrast between the hegemonic power and the overall strength of a region,the relationship between the hegemonic power and the regional leading countries,and whether the hegemonic power has the risk of being marginalized by the region,such as three factors.Among them,the third factor is the most direct impact factor.In other words,when a hegemonic power feels itself a real or potential risk of being marginalized by a region,the hegemonic power will oppose the integration of the region,whether or not it has a national strength or a good or bad relationship with the regional leading countries.And in the absence of such risks,hegemonic power may take a support or neutral position,which in turn depends on the dominance or weakness of the hegemonic national power and the state of relations between the hegemonic power and the regional leading countries.The performance of the United States’ different policy position on East Asian integration reflects the game of hegemony and anti-hegemony between the United States and East Asia,and its fundamental reason is to protect the hegemonic interests of the United States in East Asia.In the prelude stage of East Asian integration(1990-1996),which was conceived by the East Asian Economic Group(EAEG),the United States,by virtue of the apparent exclusion of EAEG,led to strong opposition from East Asia’s inward-looking cooperation,and the United States stepped into East Asia by strengthening its leadership and control over APEC.In the initial stage of East Asian integration(1997-2008),with the "10 + 3" cooperation mechanism as the axis,the importance of the United States in the region was recognized under theprinciple of open regionalism,thus avoiding the risk of the marginalization of the United States in East Asia,and the strength of the United States in the East Asian region to continue to maintain the United States and region-led countries in favor of non-reciprocal relations,so the United States to this period of East Asia integration adopted a ambiguous policy position.In the deepening phase of East Asian integration(2009-present),the East Asian countries have established the East Asian Community as the goal of regional cooperation.Although the region continues to pursue open regionalism.The contrast between the United States and East Asia’s overall strength during this period is in favor of the latter.And the relationship between the United States and the region’s leading countries is moving towards a more equitable direction.However,due to the different understanding of the concept of the East Asian Community,the United States has adopted different policy positions on the East Asian community under the model of "10 +3","10 +6","10 +8".In general,the United States has a stand against the East Asian Community,which has excluded the United States,and may take a stance on the East Asian Community,which will include the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:U.S., Hegemony, East Asian Integration, Policy Position
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