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Study On China’s Social Stratum Polarization And Social Stability Since The Reform And Openning-up Policy

Posted on:2018-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330536459232Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After nearly 40 years of reform and opening up,China’s rapid economic development,rapid growth of social wealth,people’s income increase,the people living standards improved significantly,and laid a solid foundation for social stability,harmonious.However,reform and opening up policy and the rapid development of economy,also make the rapid evolution of Chinese social structure,the income gap between social classes is more and more big,gradually formed a "pyramid" structure,make social wealth accumulation into the hands of a few people increasingly,low-income groups majority,smaller ratio of medium income households,society most people did not fully share the achievements of reform and opening-up,even hatred of injustice,become a kind of universal social psychology.This is bound to influence people to the identity of the reform and opening to the outside world,faith in socialism and confidence,in particular,directly affects the social stability.\ "Stability is the overriding the big picture," big developing countries such as China without a stable social environment,national prosperity and rejuvenation,people’s happiness is impossible.A sharp division of social class,has caused the whole society,and attaches great importance to the theoretical circle.Accordingly,in order to maintain social stability as the starting point,this paper mainly analyzes and discusses the social class differentiation in China since the reform and opening up and its relationship with social stability problem,preliminary discussed efforts to build a "featured" society,effective measures to promote harmonious social stability.First of all,analysis of China since the reform and opening up social stratum differentiation and the reasons,characteristics.Points out that the reform and opening-up,our country on the whole social class differentiation has differentiation of speed,wide range,influence,and the characteristics of the imbalance in the structure of differentiation and basic finalize the design.On the local peasant class and the traditional industry decline in class;Individual industrial and commercial households and private business owners class expands unceasingly;The characteristics of the social growing white-collar class.At the same time,from policy,system of ownership,the industrial structure adjustment,science and education and so on Angle analysis ofthe reasons for the differentiation of social stratum in China since the reform and opening up.Secondly,summarizes the historical social stability,comprehensive and dynamic relativity,regional characteristics and the significance of the current China’s social stability,analyzes the reform and opening up after China social class differentiation positive role and negative influence on social stability.Finally,from a reasonable guide social class differentiation and according to different social classes "limit,expansion,reduction,measures of two dimensions,analyzes the reasonable guide the social class differentiation,the countermeasures to promote the harmonious development of social stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:social class, social stability, the social structure, differentiation
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