Internet taxi APP mushroomed vigorous rise,the drip trip is one of the most representative of a convenient tool for China’s network bus mode started late.And even the development process was not recognized by the state,was subject to administrative penalties.July 28,2016,the Ministry of Transport issued the "Internet booking taxi management services Interim Measures" is specifically on the management and operation of the network to provide provisions to support its healthy development.File clear taxi software platform to bear the responsibility of the carrier.However,the theory and practice for the Internet about the business platform and the relationship between the parties have a lot of controversy.In the use of drip travel and other network bus platform in the process of the emergence of the traditional car rental industry has not encountered a series of new contractual fault liability,breach of contract responsibility and tort liability.There is also a lot of controversial theory in which the more typical responsibility is identified.This paper will start from the perspective of civil law,through the study of the existing views and theories to start,in the analysis and evaluation of these views and doctrine on the basis of the use of DD in the process of the use of the legal relationship between the parties to the integration of the theory and Personal analysis.The relationship between the legal relationship and the responsibility of the network under the different mode of the network,the lack of legislation on the three major responsibilities and the legislative perfection.At the same time to put an end to the implementation process of the contractual fault liability,breach of contract liability and tort liability related to the proposed improvement.Help taxi software to use the platform to continue to rule the road,reflecting the responsibility to serve the community. |