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Analysis On The Property Of The Trade Secrets Of Client List

Posted on:2017-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330512953872Subject:Intellectual property rights
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern business,the importance of information management in the growing trade secret protection,but compared to the technical secrets,business information on whether it has a high degree of creativity and creative finds there has been more controversial,and even some views extreme view,business information and should not be protected intellectual property.Such disputes on the client list of protection is particularly intense.As a typical customer list of business information,although the need for protection abroad reached a consensus on them,but the standard is still recognized for its differences.The United States as one of the most developed countries in the world trade,for the protection of customer lists always in the forefront of the world,this protection of other countries,the United States has been more or less inspiration or influence.Therefore,this paper mainly in the United States for the customer as a reference list of identified cases,supplemented by protection before the world's major countries,China's existing legal provisions for re-carding,summarized list of clients to meet Chinese reality that standard.In addition,the paper also identified in the final process should consider the interests of making the analysis so that client list that standard is more suitable for complex judicial activities.The first part of this paper briefly describes the relationship between trade secrets and customer lists,customer lists clear client list and the general sense of the legal significance of the differences in the concepts.In contrast with commercial secrets,a brief description of the customer list features.The second part of this article,the Department of civil law and common law countries,a representative list of customers identified for the case to make a brief introduction,and highlights the United States,Japan and Switzerland have distinct characteristics.Than the difference in the three identified it can be concluded that the standard features found in the client list and their social and economic structures are inextricably linked.The third part,three of the commercial secret,based on the customer list should have the attributes to make an in-depth discussion.As a business customer list information,it is bound to be satisfied with all the features of commercial secrets.However,in the specific application,but also with ordinary commercial secret is different.In addition,Article 14 of the article in accordance with the "Beijing High People's Court on the trial of intellectual property disputes Some answers to your questions" that the client list in addition to meeting the requirements of the three trade secrets,but also should have a unique character.And after the endemism it should have meaning to make a discussion.The fourth part of this paper,the principle of balance of interests identified in the process to be followed was explained.First,the United States Changes in the value of the protection of trade secrets,customer lists illustrate the value of property has double duty and property.And select the specific industry and employee turnover both in the client list identified common difficult problem,how to select a balance between the dual attributes for a detailed explanation.The fifth part of this article,the future of our business secret client list properties that standard legislative proposals.Initiative NPC and the Supreme Court shall promulgate the relevant documents as soon as possible,uniform throughout the standards and principles of the trial,specifically refer to the "Beijing High People's Court on the trial of intellectual property disputes answers to a number of issues," Article 14,with its main frame,in accordance with the provisions of the content detailed provisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Client list, Trade Secrets, Property, Analysis
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