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Legal Issues Research On Loan Risk Prevention Of China's Personal Housing Accumulation Fund

Posted on:2017-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N LiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Personal loan service of housing accumulation fund is the main source of value-added proceeds of housing accumulation fund,and adding value through capital operation is one of the objectives of housing accumulation fund management.Meanwhile,there are risks in giving out loans.However,there are no clear regulations about mortgage buyers in the relevant laws.This can lead to greater risk of the housing accumulation fund management institutions in practical operation,therefore,we must take effective measures,in particular to take legal measures to reduce the level of risk and ensure the interests of the central housing fund.Basing on the point of benefits of housing fund management institutions,this article starts with "Legal Issues Research on Loan Risk Prevention of China's Personal Housing Accumulation Fund" as a research proposition.Firstly,it makes a comprehensive analysis to the situation of China 's housing accumulation fund loan and control measures in the real estate through 2003 to 2016;and at the same time clarifies the legal the housing accumulation fund loan-related legal relationship,mainly involved below:housing transactions,loan,clientage,mortgage and guarantee.Then,it makes an analysis and research on main types of the risks about housing accumulation fund loan,including mortgage risks,personal credit legal system risks.Thereafter,the article will focus on the legal system of housing accumulation fund loans risk management.The article explores the shortcomings of low level of legislation,management and supervision system.In this article,through studying the advanced experience of foreign loan risk prevention,we will try to combine the superiority of housing finance system in Singapore,Germany,and US,with finding out ideas to prevent cracking of the current housing accumulation fund loan,mainly from the legislation,and several supporting management system including credit,guarantees,and insurance,as well as supervision and management on China's housing fund loan risk control.It will make concrete and feasible proposals,hoping to promote the further development of the housing accumulation fund loan initiative effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Housing Accumulation Fund Personal, Housing Loan, Risk, Legal Protection
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