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An Analysis Of The Historical Development Of African Socialism In The 20th Century

Posted on:2019-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330566962127Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the upheaval of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe at the end of the 20 th century,Afri can socialism was facing serious difficulties and challenges.From the time of its prosperity,it gradua ll y went down and becam e quiet.For this maj or hi storical phenomenon and reality,the international comm unity has paid high attention.The domest ic and foreign s cholars have also conducted a lot of research.Since the beginning of the 21 s t century,along with the development of gl obal socialism,especially socialism with Chinese char acterist ics,Afri can socialism has als o shown a rec overy t rend.At such a ti me,a comprehens ive review and summary of t he hist orical development of African soci ali sm in the 20 t h century will benefit both the 21st-century Africa n socialism and t he development of global social ism.African socialism is a variety of soci ali sm including scientific socialism in Africa.It incl ude s village soci alism,democr atic socia lism,scientif ic socialis m,and Ara b soci al ism.From the perspective of the development of African socialism,it can be divided into the bud period,t he ris ing period of the m ovement,the period of t ortuous development,and the period of decline.The budding period began in the early 19 t h century;the rising peri od of the movement occur red in early 1950s;t he tortuous development period took place in the1960 s to 1970s;the setback period was at the beginni ng of the early 1980 s.It was not until the 21 st century that Afri can socialism began to recove r.In the course of development,African socialism has distinctive features in term s of ideologic al source,theoretical basis,ultim ate goal,basic t ask,road method,leadership,and foreign policy.S ince the advent of African socialism i n the African conti nent,it has played an active role in advanc ing the progress of African society in politics,economy,and society.It has been rec ogniz ed and accepted by the world and has made great achieve ment s.Howeve r,due to the influence of theory,domes tic fact ors and the international environment during the development process,t he Africa n socialism s uffered a setback and eventually failed.The devel opment of socialism in Africa has als o provided us m uchexperience.The enl ightenment of Africa n social ism's development in the 20 th century is as foll ows: we must take the road of socialist devel opment sui ted to our own national conditions.Devel oping the productive forces is the primary task of the social ist count ries.Utilizing market means to promote the economic developm ent of social ist count ries.Besides,we should al so attach great importance to the problems of agriculture,rural areas and farme rs.At present,al though the status quo in Africa is worryi ng,the sparks of soci ali sm s uch as the South African C ommunist Party are st ill tenaciously ex plored.The achievements in building socialist China have also provided ex perience for Africa.In the age of gl obali zation,the contem porary Africa needs to explore the way to approach to t he prosperous,democra tic,civi lized and peaceful society from their national conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Africa n socialism, historical process, Lessons from history
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