Mr.Rod Temple once said "the idea of progress is very useful","the idea of progress" to establish the current difficulties and create the future,has a certain theoretical and practical significance.The excavation and utilization of high school history textbooks in the history of the progress of "progress","view of education for students is to cultivate students" idea of progress "effective way.History textbooks is the learning history of the most basic and the most important carrier of knowledge,it contains rich at all times and in all over the world knowledge,skills training,implicit or explicit progress information and case,emphasis on "progress" in the history teaching in senior high school history teaching,design contains "view of progress" to teach the education teaching,let students in feelings of social evolution process and progress consciousness sublimation for their belief in life and scientific rational view and social development,so as to cultivate the national future builders,goal of educating people.The cultivation of students’ awareness of progress in the "ordinary high school history curriculum standard" is one of the important goals of school education,which is also the education development and reform,need to adhere to the long-term strategic task,is currently the education an important practical problems."The history of progress" as the main task of high school history teaching,the implication of the "progress" view of education more and more attention from educators.High school history teacher and the study of history who need urgent problems is how to in middle school history teaching in the textbook of "the history of progress",for students to "progressive education and the cultivation of the students" awareness of social progress ".This paper is divided into five parts.The first part of the paper to clarify the background,literature review,research design,analysis of the literature at home and abroad from two aspects,the main research and design set the research ideas,research methods and research significance.The second part of "the idea of progress" and "progress consciousness" concept,and expounds the embodiment of "progress" in high school history textbooks.The third part of the textbook "the progress history" content analysis,summarizes the textbook "progress history" contains the main idea of progress "".The fourth part analysis of high school history teaching in the penetration "concept of progress," the necessity of education,and carry on the positive research,through questionnaire survey of high school history textbook of "progress" to influence the content of classroom teaching.The fifth part discusses the history of education in the "progress view" education way,mainly from the teaching practice of teachers and students to study two aspects of thinking.The first is to clarify the teachers,teachers’ personal literacy teaching methods on students "view of progress" and the effect of teachers "education in the view of progress" penetration in the history classroom teaching.Second is from the aspect of students,through learning,in class and out of class,on the "view of progress" feeling,osmosis,experience,blend,and internalize or adjust the perfect personal understanding of social development,set up the social progress,the formation of the thinking and behavior of the individual life practice.Reference for education is a major mission of history education.The special features of the historical education makes history textbooks become transfer society "concept of progress,social awareness of the progress the best carrier of culture,exert an imperceptible influence on students social awareness and understanding of their own,shaping and motivated,optimistic,healthy,gregarious and rational social consciousness plays a key role."Progress" view of the impact of education on students is profound and can not be overlooked,so the depth of excavation,concise in middle school history textbook the progress history material and design reasonable progress concept teaching content,in order to cultivate all-round development of people without delay. |