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The Elementary School Lower Grade Chinese Painting This Reading Guide Strategy Study

Posted on:2018-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T NiFull Text:PDF
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The picture book is a kind of book which is composed of the exquisite picture and the succinct writing.It is a kind of unique art form that tells the story together.Picture book reading can cultivate children’s imagination and creativity,of course,picture books for children to develop the habit of reading,classroom attention is also of great significance.It can greatly improve the reading efficiency of the students by applying the classic excellent picture books to the classroom.How to effectively guide the reading of the lower grade students is a subject worthy of study.This paper is divided into five parts,the first part is the introduction of the main content including the basis of the topic,the research situation at home and abroad,research methods,the definition of relevant concepts and theoretical basis.The second part is the investigation of the current situation of the reading strategies of reading books in the junior high school.Through the investigation,observation and literature review,the author points out the actual teaching situation in the reading guidance of the picture books.The third part is to summarize the problems existing in the reading guidance of low grade picture books,and find out the existing problems from the following four aspects: guiding goal,guiding content,classroom effect and teaching mode.In the fourth part,the author analyzes the reasons for the problems,such as teachers’ attitude,teachers’ ideas,teachers’ ability and unreasonable methods.The fifth part is to put forward reasonable strategies according to the problems and causes,strategy is to change the traditional teaching mode,improving teachers’ ability to choose picture books,picture books,take effective methods to guide the teaching resources integration.In recent years,more and more teachers have paid more and more attention to reading books.But for reading picture books in the confusion has gradually increased,through the research of this topic,hoping to make the picture book reading theory more rich,to solve some problems in teaching of teachers in the guidance of picture book reading,but also want to give the line of picture book reading teaching strategies to provide a reference and reference.Thus,we can have a better understanding and understanding of the picture book reading,and make better use of it.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese teaching in primary school, lower grade, picture book reading, guiding strategy
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