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The Research Of Values Guide Of Young College Students

Posted on:2018-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518468722Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Youth is a significant stage to form and develop the values.As excellent representatives among young people,the young college students are active—minded and receptive to new ideas and new culture;in the era of informationization and globalization,they inevitably face a complex and diversified development environment to cultivate and practice their values,such as the concept of value,value judgement and choice of value.Therefore,the value education of today’s young college students faces a new situation,as we may say,there’re both chances and challenges.The value guidance of young college students is an important constituent part of the values education,and the important content of the ideological and political education in colleges and universities.What problems will the value guidance of the new generation of young college students be faced with?What are its characteristics? And how to effectively guide their values in practice?These questions deserve serious consideration from ideological and political education workers.It is highlighted that the research of problems in the guidance and education of adolescent college students’ value view is requisite.Starting from a practical point of view,this research centres on the mainline of "the values guidance of young college students" to carry out related research,to take the exploration of the values guidance law ofyoung college students and its practice path as the research purpose.During research,a variety of research methods such as literature research,multi—curriculum integration,and combination of comparative analysis were taken,to enhance the theoretical consciousness and practice consciousness of the values guidance of young college students and promote the scientificity and effectiveness of the values guidance of young college students.In addition to the first chapter which is introduction,there are five chapters about relevant research and discussion in total in this paper.Through summarize the guidance on young college students’ values,in order to have an overall understanding towards the guidance on young college students’ values.At the same time,ums up the characteristics of the guidance of present college students’ values.On this basis,the problems and dilemmas on the guidance of the values of present young college students have been analyzed.About following the principles,we should make our efforts to develop and inherit the fine traditional culture,actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and take the actual needs of young college students as the basis.Among these,the excellent traditional culture is the cultural meme to guide the values of young college students;the core values of socialism is the ideological guidance to cultivate and develop the values of young college students,and keeping a foothold on the actual needs of young college students is apractical selection to promote the actual guidance effect of young college students’ values.On this basis,mainly discussed the question how to choose the path of value guide of young college students.In order to effectively guide the value of contemporary young college students in practicality,it requires to strengthen and escalate the ideological and political education in colleges,optimize the growth environment of young college students,improve the overall accomplishment of value guiders,perfect the guiding mechanism of young college students’ value.In the meantime,actively play the guiding function of media and big data.In other words,the guidance and education for young college students is a systematic project,which requires not only microscopic plans,but also microscopic concerns.It also demands for overall efforts and powers generated from wisdom.
Keywords/Search Tags:Young college students, Values guide, The ideological and political education
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