Natural gas because o f its low price, clean and efficient characterist ics, which proportion of primary energy consumption structure in our country is expanding. But the current natural gas pricing mechanism has resulted in the high qualit y resources has no good price, which affect the further development of gas industry. China’s natural gas pricing mechanism has obvious nature of monopoly, gas price is contro lled by the government, and the pricing method is cost-plus pricing method. This pricing method leads to natural gas price lack of market sensit ivit y, and the industrial chain o f profit distribut ion is not reasonable. The low gas price co mpared to alternative sources, eventually lead to demand inflation, even led to a wide range of gas shortages. Foreig n experience shows t hat the natural gas pricing mechanism must from monopo ly market step by step towards a competit ive market. The introduct ion o f a third part y, through gas on competit ion eventually to achieve the optimal allocat ion o f resources. This makes China’s natural gas pricing mechanism reform has been clear about the future development direct ion, namely gradually let go of government regulat ion, introducing market co mpet it ion mechanism.This paper uses historical methods, co mparison analysis, statistical analysis, first introduced the general method of natural ga s pricing, and by co mparing the difference of nature gas price in our country with the international price level, and the difference of natural gas price with alternat ive energy, pointed out the unreasonable p arts of the natural gas pricing in our country. Then this paper introduced the natural gas market pricing reform experience of developed countries, the general rule of the price o f natural gas pricing mechanism reform. Then by building contains natural gas upstream and downstream of the industrial organizat ion model, compares on the cost-plus pricing, market value pricing and gas co mpetition mode, the change of consumer surplus and gas producer’s profit. And based on the analysis o f consumers bear abilit y, this paper analyzes the rationalit y of the natural gas price reform. Finally puts forward suggest ions on natural gas price reform in China, to handle the relations of natural gas and alternat ive sources of energy, and promote more intensive utilizat ion of natural gas, and ensure the long-term supply o f natural gas, should adopt market net back value pricing method; But considering the consumers bear abilit y, the adjustment of the price should be a gradual process. |