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Study On The Impact Of Technical Standards On The Innovation Performance Of Enterprise

Posted on:2017-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K Y PangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330512951008Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A new round of technological and industrial revolution is gearing up, the developed countries are promoting the reindustrialization strategy, the strategic planning "Made in China 2025" is under way. Innovation is the central task of development, the strategic position of standards appear important up.Innovation actuation has become Increasingly obvious in the development of modern enterprise. In order to response to the rapid change of market environment, enterprise have to improve the innovation performance constantly, which is the best way to obtain competitive advantage. Though there are many influencing factors, the innovation performance of enterprise can not leave from the influence of the technology itself. Technology innovation come down to a technical problem. Technical standards are based on the comprehensive results of scientific and technological achievements and practical experience. They can reflect the current status and future trends of technology development and provide a good platform for enterprises to carry out related technical innovation activities. The study of technical standards can help to guide the technological innovation activities and promote the innovation performance,which become a better choice of many enterprises today.The paper summarizes the research of the relation between technical standards and innovation performance, discusses the mechanism of the influence technical standards have on innovation performance, and try to raise the hypothesis. Then collect panel data of 122 listed companies from 2008 to 2014, use statistical softwares such as excel 2003、spss 17、eviews 8, carry out an empirical study. The result shows that technical standards and their three categories:voluntary standard、compulsory standards、guiding standards have a positive influence on innavotion performance and its two dimensions:input and output, but this influence has a certain lag and different categories of technical standards have different lag. On this basis, make some suggestions for enterprise to promote the innavotion performance by technical standards, thereby provide some references for practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technical Standards, Innovation Performance, Panel Data Model
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