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The Garden World In The Twelve Landscapes Of The Country

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330488476504Subject:Chinese calligraphy and painting theory research
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the mid_Ming dynasty, in Su Zhou and Song Jiang area, as the center of the southern China, formed a literati painting trend which had a tremendous impact on Chinese painting history. From the perspective of cultural history, the range a nd influence of literati art expand rapidly, one of the outstanding performances was the flourish of garden culture. It not only inherited the traditional garden works, but also created many garden theme works to depict gardens in that dynasty.This paper focus on<the twelve paintings of Jiao garden> which created by Shen Shichong for Wang Shimin. This was an representative work of garden paintings in late Ming dynasty, an it can help us find out the change of aesthetic from Suzho u to Song Jiang, furthermore, it conveyed the literary ideal of garden paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Le Jiao garden, the twelve paintings of Jiao garden, Shen Shichong, literature garden painting
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