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Wang Mengshan's Water Painting Art Analysis

Posted on:2019-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330548954962Subject:Chinese Painting
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article analyzed the landscape art of Wang Meng of the Yuan Dynasty through the analysis of his life,inheritance,artistic aesthetics and image language.By using the methods of historical research,image analysis,contrast study and reasoning argumentation,this article studied Wang Meng’s background and life experience to start,and gradually analyzed the impact of the formation of his landscape art.It summarized his artistic features through the inheritance of his painting style and the landscape art features.At the same time,on this basis,combined with Kandinsky’s point,line and surface theory to understand paintings,this article gradually decomposed its elements and aimed to discuss the formation of personality language of the elements of the screen.Through the above analysis,this paper explored the inherent relationship between various factors that leaded to the formation of Wang Meng’s landscape art,and analyzed the expression of the contradictory thoughts and emotion of "hidden" and"official" in Wang Meng’s works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Meng, landscape art, artistic features, contradictory thoughts
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