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Research On The Transformation And Upgrading Of Processing Trade In Zhejiang Province From The Perspective Of Global Value Chain

Posted on:2018-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515482820Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of international division of labor,trade liberalization and industrial globalization,processing trade has become a hot topic in china.Our country holds the opportunity of international industrial transfer since twentieth Century and in the year of twenty-first Century,and actively join the division of labor in the global industrial chain.However,in the foreign trade of Zhejiang Province,it is still dominated by the general trade,the proportion of processing trade is not high,and there is a certain gap compared with Guangdong,Jiangsu,Shanghai and other places.As one of the main ways of foreign trade,the development of processing trade has played an important role in China’s economic growth,international division of labor and integration into the global market.Zhejiang Province,as a coastal city it takes seriously of the development of processing trade,and in recent years it has made a leap forward,for the province’s rapid economic growth has contributed a great deal of strength.However,from the perspective of the global value chain,the processing trade in Zhejiang province is still in the stage of low-end production.For example,the industrial chain is short,and the added value of products is low.Low degree of industrial linkage,it is difficult to form independent brands in foreign trade,etc.There are a lot of problems in the process of transformation and upgrading.How to stand firm in the global market,and how to realize the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in order to adapt to the development of international trade and how to promote processing trade to the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain has become an urgent problem to be solved.This paper analyzes the processing trade of Zhejiang province from the perspective of global value chain.first introduces the formation and development of the theory of global value chain,expounds the origin and evolution of the globalvalue chain,and then analyzes how the comparative cost theory,factor endowment theory and industrial gradient transfer theory embody in the process of transformation and upgrading of processing trade.Then the paper expounds the current situation of the development of processing trade in Zhejiang province and the problems existing in the process of development There is an objective and clear understanding of the development of processing trade in Zhejiang province..Through the qualitative analysis of main factors influencing the development of processing trade in the province so as to explore the solution to solve the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in Zhejiang province..At the same time,by referring to the more developed Guangdong,Jiangsu and other provinces of the processing trade experience,getting inspiration from it,learn from it,and gain enlightenment from three different levels of government,industry and enterprises for the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in Zhejiang province and put forward reasonable suggestions:First,the government should formulate relevant tax and financing policies to support the processing trade.Secondly,to establish a mechanism for industry assessment,supervision and assessment,in addition,enterprises should strive to improve the level of technological innovation,to upstream and downstream industry chain extension,and at the same time to cultivate independent brands to increase competitiveness and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global Value Chain, Zhejiang, Processing Trade, Transformation and Upgrading, Industrial Upgrading
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