According to the 2017 CNNIC announced the latest China Internet statistics report can be drawn,the number of Internet users in 2017 has more than 730 million.Desktop usage continues to fall,but mobile Internet usage has been rising continuously.Correspondingly,the number of Wechat users continue to continue high grow.However,the current research on Wechat and Wechat and Wechat marketing is still relatively small,the research on Wechat marketing is still focused on the characteristics of Wechat marketing and consumer attitudes and behavior of the causes and results of the analysis,and brand trust,Intermediary research is not quite a lot.In this paper,from the perspective of brand trust and perceived risk,it is a supplement to the current research to explore the influence path of micro-credit marketing on customer purchase decision.First of all,it is mainly to review the literature research of Wechat marketing and related fields at home and abroad,and to summarize the dimension and concept of Wechat marketing,brand trust and perceived risk,and draw the concept of variables and eight dimensions and information quality.On the basis of the technology acceptance model,combined with the characteristics of micro-credit marketing and the trust and perceived risk factors,the paper explores their impact on the customer’s purchase intention,and then draws out the specific analysis model and puts forward the corresponding research hypothesis.The results of descriptive,reliability,correlation and regression were obtained by SPSS.20 software system to verify the initial research model hypothesis.Combined with the previous data analysis summed up the final conclusions of the article,the conclusions are as follows:First,the quality of information,interactivity and participation of friends and relatives as a Wechat marketing features directly positive and positive role in the customer to buy;second,opinion leaders,word of mouth,entertainment,trust and network involvement in these five micro-marketing features for The role of customers to buy the intention is not significant;Third,the perception of risk and brand trust in the Wechat marketing to customers willing to play a model in the role of intermediary.Brand trust in the information quality,interactivity and participation of friends and relatives in the three dimensions of the role of the purchase intention of customers to play a part of the intermediary effect.Perceived risk plays a part of the mediating effect in the path of interaction between the two dimensions of the interaction and the participation of relatives and friends.Finally,according to the current specific operational practice within the enterprise to make more reasonable and detailed operational recommendations. |