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Analysis Of Factors Affecting Consumers' Purchasing Intention In Micro-commercial Marketing

Posted on:2018-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518463350Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of mobile Internet,instant messaging tools: twitter,QQ,WeChat and other social platforms has been the rapid popularization,the Internet has become an indispensable part of people’s life,work,learning,especially in recent years,WeChat,continue to impact people’s daily communication and exchange way at the same time,a new group-WeChat business came into being.The integration of communication theory,marketing theory and consumer purchase intention theory,this study constructs influence consumer purchase intention model,and the LY area of consumers as the research object,the model for empirical research.On the one hand,through literature review,this study proposes the factors affecting consumer purchase intention of micro business marketing,including the perceived value influence factors,the impact of brand value derivative information value influencing factors,marketing factors,WeChat interactive factors,a friend recommended the influence factors and factors of public figures.On the other hand,through the questionnaire survey of consumers in LY,and using SPSS22.0 statistical analysis software was used to analyze the reliability and validity test,correlation analysis and regression of the collected data,the empirical test of the theoretical model.The study found: marketing information on purchase intention has significant positive influence,however,has no significant effect on perceived value;brand marketing,marketing activities,and user interaction,and friends to participate in public figures recommended respectively to have significant impact on consumers’ perceived value and purchase intention,and perceived value in the relationship between brand marketing activities with the user,interactive,public figures and friends recommend participation and purchase intention in some intermediary role to play.Finally,the relationship between comprehensive factors influence the micro business marketing on consumer purchase intention,this study proposes the micro business marketing and purchasing intention to improve the specific measures,such as the use of consumer psychology to enhance consumer perceived value;pay attention to the brand marketing activities;integrated marketing,word-of-mouth network construction;increase the interactive marketing and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat-business, Purchase Intention, Influence Factor, Perceived Value
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