With the rapid development of e-commerce and more online shopping choices,more manufacturers transfer their channel strategy of channel strategy from physical sales channels to direct online channels,thus more and more companies choose to use multi channel mode operation business.Due to increasing awareness of contemporary business services and more attention on quality of service,manufacturers and retailers will take measures to improve the level of service,to win more consumers.Meanwhile,in order to maintain their self-advantages,supply chain stakeholders will hide some important information,which damages the overall interests of the supply chain.Therefore,how to come up with the best service and dual channel supply chain coordination has become a main issue to contemporary business and academics.This paper makes a research on multi-channel asymmetric information supply chain optimal pricing and service decisions under this background,and the wholesale price contract will be discussed.Considering two supply chain channels,including direct online sales manufacturer and traditional retailers,and two situations of both symmetric and asymmetric information of retailers’ cost,this paper studies multi-dual supply chain pricing and service solution using the wholesale price contract based on game theory of supply chain,supply chain contracts,principal-agent model and other multi-disciplinary theories and methodologies.Firstly,this paper took away from current existing research results,summarized the status of multi-channel supply chain operations,current bargaining mechanisms applied in the supply chain management and basic mathematical principles.Secondly,this paper studied centralized and decentralized supply chain research on pricing and service decisions dual channel,and then made comparative analysis.Comparing centralized supply chain,decentralized decision-making could result in welfare losses and loss of the total supply chain profits.Thirdly,based on principal-agent model,this paper studied the wholesale price contract asymmetric information supply chain and supply chain information symmetry,and compared manufacturers and retailers in the service level and wholesale price.From the comparison,the total supply chain profits of symmetric information is always higher than that of asymmetry one,retailers always benefit from the hidden information costs,but the manufacturer’s welfare will be reduced.Finally,this paper selected the appropriate value,analyzed the real model using Maple 16,which proved the correctness of the conclusions. |