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The Capital Synergy Effect Research On Whirlpool's Acquisition Of SANYO Hefei

Posted on:2018-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P R ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With increasingly develop of global economics,more and more enterprises attempting to get their strategic resources,occupy and expend territories and achieve synergistic effects by M&A.For enterprisers,M&A has already become a catalyst which assist firms develop rapidly.However,not all of the M&A could satisfied investors.People always jundge the effects of M&A by achieve synergistic effects or not.For researches at this stage,the synergistic effect mainly releases from three aspects:operation,management and finance.This research regards the direct adding factor of M&A as capitals.The point of integration and M&A is to distribute capitals reappearly.Therefore,this research mainly study synergistic caused by capitals among the M&A activities entrying by capitals.This research reviewed relevant M&A theories,mainly explained the concept of M&A and category,and then summerised the Motivation Theory of M&A fristly.And then,by using the method of literature review,the research summerised relevant studies of synergistic effect.There is one factor that different with other researches or reports,this research added the content of studying synergistic effects from the capital aspect of capitals.Due to a veriety of factors for studying capitals,this research got a unified defination of technique capitals,mental capitals and info-capitals.Secondly,by using the case of M&A between Whirlpool and Sanyo Hefei,showed the basic situations,backgroundmotivation and procession of both sides exactly.By using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods,this research analysised the synergistic effects achieved by fintech,info-capitals and mental capitals exactly.Finally,described a new revelation of M&A for Chinese enterprises by actual situations of above cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology capital, Knowledge capital, Information capital, Merger and acquisition, Synergy effect
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