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A Research Of Government Support Problems And Countermeasures In SMEs’ Finance Of Changsha City

Posted on:2017-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536967703Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Small and medium-sized enterprises is an important part of our national economy,it plays an extremely important role in several aspects,such as expanding employment,promoting industrial development,enhancing economic vitality,optimizing the urban function,increasing financial income,promoting the development of market economy,and maintaining social stability,etc.,which is ubiquitous and indispensable.But compared to the huge role of small and medium-sized enterprise to the national economy development,capital resource is very limited,and the financing difficulties they faced seriously restricte its further development.To solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises,it is government who plays a very important role,and the support of the government will promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.Considering how the government support small and medium-sized enterprises,what extent to support,opinions vary from all walks of life.And a lot of fruitful researches are made by scholars both in home country and abroad,many ideas and countermeasures has been put forward,which helps to alleviate the situation of small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficulties positivly.In this paper,Changsha’s small and medium-sized enterprises be picked as the research object,because in terms of the situation,Changsha economic developing in a strong vitality,but financing difficulties not only hindered the further development of small and medium-sized enterprises,but also the continuous,healthy and stable development in Changsha city.In view of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing present situation of Changsha,the article starts from the basic theory of financing,combined with the specific investigation data,to analyzes the existed financing way of small and medium-sized enterprise detaily in changsha.At the same time,analyzes the manifestation of the financing effect and existing problems from the perspective of the government’s support of small and medium-sized enterprise,and try to help the Changsha city government to explore better methods and put forward relevant policy suggestions on how to ease the financing difficulties,which is full of guiding significance.At the same time,this article will also help to support small and medium-sized enterprise financing policy system in our country,especially have certain reference significance in the central region to solve small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:financing, small and medium-sized enterprises(SME), government support, problems and countermeasures
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