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Investigation On The Status Of Rural Household Garbage Disposal In A City Of Yunnan Province

Posted on:2019-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330548994686Subject:Public health
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Objectives:1.Describe the current situation of rural household garbage disposal in a city in yunnan province.2.Understand the infrastructure of the city's rural garbage disposal.3.To describe the cognition of rural household garbage disposal in rural areas.4.To understand the management and system of waste disposal in rural areas of the city.5.The financing of environmental health.Method:1.According to the economic development level of the counties in the city,the method of stratified sampling was used to extract 5 counties from 13 counties and cities in the city as the survey county.2.Of the five counties of rural living garbage processing present situation,the rural living garbage processing infrastructure,rural residents of rural living garbage processing of cognitive,system of rural living garbage disposal management and case investigation,and 500 farmer households in 5 counties of rural living garbage processing questionnaires,county leadership for personal interviews about rural garbage disposal.3.Using Excel and Epidata3.1 to input the results of the survey,SPSS 17.0 was used for data analysis.Result:1.Rural residents' disposal of rural household refuse.For production of farmers living garbage every day,five survey in the county in the city,each living garbage output of 2.6 kg/day,an average of four per household resident population,0.65 kg/day for agricultural waste treatment,in the county five survey of 500 peasant households in the city,the farmers of agricultural waste treatment from high to low,in order not to use polluting plastics(54.80%),recycling(32.20%),burning(8.80%),discarded field(4.20%).For the rural living garbage discarded location,the extraction of five survey in the county in the city,44.20%of farmers choose to discard in the bin or cesspit,40.20%of farmers choose discard fixed points around the house,15.60%of farmers choose discarded.For the collection of rural household garbage,35.00%of the 100 administrative villages were randomly piled up with garbage,and 51.00%of them were piled up with garbage,and 14.00%of the villages collected and collected garbage.For the rural living garbage processing,extraction of 100 administrative villages,23.00%of the village of living garbage landfill,burned 54%of the village,4%of the village in high temperature compost,recycle 3%of the village,16%of the village use other ways,such as in a ditch,pull out processing.For pesticide waste disposal methods of packaging bottle,the extraction of five survey in the county in the city,66.00%of farmers pesticide waste packaging bottle discarded in the trash or tanabe,0.60%of farmers sell pesticide waste packaging bottles,6.00%of farmers bury pesticide waste packaging bottles in the ground,27.40%of farmers choose other methods dealing with pesticide waste packaging bottles,such as incineration,recycling.2.The basic situation of garbage disposal facilities.For each county waste plant cover county population situation,covering counties waste plant population accounts for the proportion of the population county from big to small(46.44%),followed by A county county(27.48%),and B D county(18.12%),county(14.34%),C E county(11.42%),waste plant coverage are less than 50%of the population in the district,C and D counties of the waste plant did not cover to the outside of the urban population,the remaining counties waste plant cover outside the town population ratio is low,The proportion of rural population in rural areas covered by waste treatment plants is A county(14.85%),B county(11.57%),and E county(2.81%).For rural health cleaner,100 administrative villages in extract,63%of the village without full-time cleaner,29%of the village have 1-10 full-time cleaner,8%of the village has more than 10 full-time cleaner.Of the 100 administrative villages,59 percent have no part-time cleaners,32 percent have part-time cleaners 1-10,and 9 percent have more than 10 part-time cleaners.The village public trash can,extraction of five counties in 100 administrative villages,25%of the village there is no public trash can,56%of the village of 1-10 public trash can,19%of the village has more than 10 public trash can.3.Management system and implementation of garbage disposal.For rural living garbage processing pattern,garbage operation system,namely the cleaning-county township-village collection-commissioner processing mode,integrated with five interviews the leadership of the investigation of 100 villages in the county extraction as a result,the overall 78%of villages and failed to pass the garbage transit system focus on only 22%of the village through the garbage transport system centralized processing.Extraction in five selected county 20 administrative villages,a total of 100 administrative villages in the investigation,health policy implementation is as follows:the new rural construction which has a total of 31%of the village,where C county in the least,only 10%of the villages,good B district in 55%of the village to carry out;A total of 28 percent of villages were constructed in the beautiful countryside,with the least in E county(10%)and C county(15%).To improve the rural people's environment construction,18 percent of the villages were carried out,among which C county did not have the village to carry out the project,and D county had 40%of the villages.In total,rural community construction was carried out in 11%of villages,of which no village was carried out in C county and 30%in A county.A total of 11 per cent of villages were created in health towns,including no village in C and E counties.In total,there are 51 percent of the villages in the environmental health management system,of which C county has a small proportion of the village with health management system,which is 45 percent.A total of 34 per cent of village planing is planned for special health programmes,with a small proportion of 10 per cent.In total,58%of villages have conducted environmental hygiene promotion education,of which only 35%of villages in C county have carried out environmental hygiene promotion education,which is the lowest.4.Financing of environmental health.For environmental health funding situation counties,100 administrative villages in the extraction of 5 counties,38%of the village there is no environmental health funds,35%of the village of the 1-10000 yuan of funds,19%of the village there are 10000-50000 of funds,8%of the village more than 50000 yuan of funds,the investigation and local village cadres after the interview found that in terms of fund-raising,most of the region in addition to the appropriate part of the superior,also calls for the villages and towns,part of schiscosomiasis self-raised solve a lot of villages and towns own funds nervous,running itself is very difficult,most of the village collective income is weak,The income is mainly from the transfer payments from the higher authorities,which can barely maintain the salaries and daily operation of the village cadres.Residents oneself is insufficient,although many of the local government documents can charge farmers parts cleaning,but with consciousness of the local people is poor,rural cadres be afraid influence factors such as social stability is not willing to push,it is difficult to from rural residents to raise money.Therefore,the city's environmental health funds mainly come from the government input,the channel is single,cannot meet the fund demand of environmental sanitation completely.Conclusion:1.The high yield of household garbage in the city's village has not reduced the production of domestic refuse from the source;As for the disposal of garbage,it is mainly used for landfill and incineration,and there is no effective recycling of garbage,and there is no corresponding treatment for toxic and hazardous waste.2.The city's waste treatment infrastructure is slow to develop and lacks the corresponding infrastructure and human resources;Compared with the cities,the waste treatment infrastructure has less coverage and the phenomenon of urban and rural dualization.3.The development of environmental sanitation projects in the city is slow,which hinders the development of rural environmental sanitation;There is no corresponding management system of garbage disposal,and there are obstacles in the implementation of the system.4.The city lacks the environmental hygiene education publicity,the awareness of environmental hygiene protection is weak,and the cognition of life garbage disposal is insufficient.5.The municipal waste disposal funds mainly rely on the government support,the channel is single,and it is difficult to meet the requirements of garbage disposal,which seriously restricts the construction of environmental sanitation and affects the sustainable development of the rural areas of the city.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural household refuse, Garbage disposal, Rural environmental hygiene
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