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Temperature Inferential Control Of A Reactive Distillation Column With Double Reactive Sections

Posted on:2019-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330551461908Subject:Control Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing of energy shortage and environmental pollution,the reaction distillation column with double reaction section(RDC-DRS)has attracted the attention of researchers because of its advantages of saving energy and equipment investment.In recent years,most of the researches on RDC-DRS control system adopt direct composition control.Although direct composition control can give a strictly control of product purity,it needs much more expensive analyzers,higher maintenance costs,and bigger measurement times than temperature control.Therefore,the aim of this paper is to dwell on the temperature inferential control of the RDC-DRS separating a reacting mixture involving a hypothetical two-stage consecutive reversible reaction.In this paper,the temperature control system of RDC-DRS is synthesized and designed by the conventional sensitivity analysis method.From the results of the closed loop dynamic simulation,it can be seen that this control system can’t strictly control the composition of the product.Therefore,this paper then puts forward a novel design method of ideal RDC-DRS temperature control system,that is to select the controlled stage with the principle of minimum steady-state deviation.At the same time,in order to facilitate the optimization of RDC-DRS temperature control system,a single variable search method is designed to search the controlled stage.Compared with the temperature control system based on the sensitivity analysis method,the new method of the design of ideal RDC-DRS temperature control system proposed in this paper can reflect the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of the RDC-DRS,which can not only reflect the relationship between the temperature and the product composition,but also weaken the interaction between the controlled variables.It can give an effective and feasible temperature control system,which is not only simple in principle but also has low computation intensity.These striking outcomes show the reasonability and effectiveness of the proposed principle and procedure for the synthesis and design of temperature inferential control systems for complicated reactive distillation columns.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reactive distillation column, Temperature inferential control, Sensitivity analysis, Transient deviation, Steady-state deviation
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