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Research On ANSYS Based Study Of The Deep Water Metal Net Cage Flotation Hydrodynamic Characteristics

Posted on:2019-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330566495244Subject:Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the accelerated development of the global economy and the improvement of people's living standard,the demand for aquatic products in the whole society has increased geometrically.The production of aquatic products in traditional cage culture has been in short supply.The vigorous development of deep-sea cages has successfully solved this problem between supply and demand.Flotation structures of deep-sea cage not only to withstand wind,wave and flow actions,but also provide the most buoyancy of the whole cage,support mesh system to provide effective farming space.Especially for metal mesh cage,the strength and stability of floating frame structure are more important.It can be said that the floating frame system's safe and reliable are the key to the success of the cage.In this paper,a unidirectional fluid and solid coupling model of a floating frame and anchoring system under the action of water is established by using the ANSYS software.The force,deformation,displacement of the floating frame system and the force,elongation of the anchor rope under the action of water flow with different velocity are numerically analyzed.Through theoretical verification,it is proved that the correctness of fluid-solid coupling simulation of floating frame under the action of water flow is verified by ANSYS FLUENT,which lays a foundation for further research of fluid-solid coupling under the combined action of wave and flow.The domestic research on the metal cage floating frame started late,the majority study is concentrated on nylon and fiber net,research on Numerical Simulation of metal net floating frame is less,and most of the floating frame is assumed to be rigid,only study the motion and displacement of floating frame,not considering the stress and deformation of the floating frame.The marine environment of deep sea metal cage is very complex,and there are various failure modes under the action of wind waves and ocean flow.Therefore,it is very meaningful to study the deformation of floating frames.In this paper,the unidirectional fluid and solid coupling of floating frame and anchoring system under the action of water flow is very close to the actual situation of floating frame using numerical simulation software,which is of great significance.The floating frame and anchoring system under the action of flow of fluid-solid coupling numerical simulation is divided into four parts.The first part: the introduction part is mainly about the background and the significance of the research object,the domestic and foreign research progress on metal cage;the second part: the theoretical basis and theoretical verification of numerical simulation under the action of flow of the floating frame and anchoring system;the third part: with the use of ANSYS FLUENT software,we established a simplified four anchor single floating tube model combined with CAD modeling software,Cary on the fluid-solid coupling simulation of floating frame and anchoring system under the action of the flow.The fourth part: the result analysis.Deformation displacement and force of floating tube are contrasted in five kinds of flow velocity,analyzed the variation of different flow velocity of anchor rope stress and deformation.The fifth part: summarize the research content and conclusion of this paper,and discuss the practical significance of the fluid-solid coupling simulation of the floating frame and anchoring system.The development of deep water metal cage is of great significance to the high efficient aquatic ecological culture based on environmental protection and the sustainable development of the marine fishery.Therefore,in the new era of economic development,we must vigorously develop new technologies and materials,do well in deep sea net cage research,and cooperate with national marine ranch strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flotation Structures, Numerical simulation, Fluid-solid coupling, Hydrodynamic characteristic
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