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A Comparative Study On The Effects Of Collaborative And Individual Continuation Task Based On Interactive Alignment Model On Junior Middle School Students’ English Writing

Posted on:2019-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545983936Subject:Subject teaching
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Wang Chuming(2012)put forward the continuation task(individual continuation task)is an effective way for learners to learn a foreign language.However,he further pointed out the alignment effect of the continuation task is one-way.Namely,the alignment only occurs between learners and reading materials.In 2015,he suggested that interpersonal interaction could be introduced in the continuation task’s process to enhance alignment effect.For example,two learners discuss the content of reading material first,then finish a writing collaboratively.But,Wang Chuming pointed out that the effectiveness of collaborative continuation task in foreign language teaching needs to be verified through some empirical research.Thus,this thesis aims to compare the effects of collaborative continuation task and individual continuation task on junior middle school students’ English writing.Further deeply,writing achievement,writing fluency and writing accuracy.The research subjects were 80 students from 2classes in grade two of Qiaonan Junior Middle School of Qinan county in Gansu province.They were randomly divided into two groups: group one(G1)and group two(G2).40 students in G1,which implemented collaborative continuation task’s training.40 students in G2,which implemented individual continuation task’s training.The entire experiment lasted for 8 weeks.The data of pre-test and post-test’s writing achievement,writing fluency and writing accuracy were collected and analyzed through SPSS 17.0.The results of study show,first,there is a significant difference in writing achievement between collaborative continuation task’s group and individual continuation task’s group after the experiment.To be specific,the writing achievement of collaborative continuation task’s group is higher than that of individual continuation task’s group.Second,there is a significant difference in writing fluency between collaborative continuation task’s group and individual continuation task’s group after the experiment.To be specific,the writing fluency of individual continuation task’s group is higher than that of collaborative continuation task’s group.Third,there is a significant difference in writing accuracy between collaborative continuation task’s group and individual continuation task’s group after the experiment.To be specific,the writing accuracy of collaborative continuation task’s group is higher than that of individual continuation task’s group.From above results,we can get some implications of foreign language teaching: first of all,teachers can conduct collaborative continuation task’s training and individual continuation task’s training alternately.Second,teachers can conduct collaborative continuation task’s training and individual continuation task’s training based on the cognitive style of students.Third,teachers should choose reading materials according to students’ cognitive development levels.Fourth,teachers can combine reading teaching and writing teaching together to reach the goal of “read to write,write to read”.
Keywords/Search Tags:interactive alignment model, collaborative continuation task, individual continuation task, writing achievement, writing fluency, writing accuracy
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