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Design And Research Of Ice And Snow Art Display System Based On Augmented Reality Technology

Posted on:2021-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ChenFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays China lies at an important stage of cultural development.The development of cultural soft power has long become a cultural strategy for all the countries over the world.The arrival of 5G era will further accelerate the cultural communication between different regions.In this context,the ice-snow culture has attracted wide attention with its heterogeneity.This article writes the design and research of augmented reality technology in the ice and snow art display system.As a communications media to exhibit the ice-snow culture and its imago,digital technology has been the topic that is most worthy of consideration and discussion in the development of ice-snow culture communication.Harbin is the first city to build ice-snow culture in China,and ice-snow culture has already become the cultural image of this city at present.The cultural image of a city needs to meet the characteristics of easy identification and impression,so digital media technology can reconstruct the cultural image of a city to a certain extent.In the development of ice-snow art in the new era,it is necessary to integrate the human environment,natural resources,historical heritage,and digital technology.Digital technology makes the dissemination of ice-snow culture more diverse and instant interactive,so the continuous optimization of digital technology has been promoting the sustainable development of the ice-snow culture industry.On the other hand,the development of the ice-snow cultural industry has also been providing driving force for the continuous upgrading of digital media.Under the background of the development of digital media technology,this article carried out researches in-depth on the ice-now sculpture,ice-snow history,ice-snow painting,ice-snow music,ice-snow art park and some other categories in ice-snow art.The ice-snow art industry and digital media technology have a great mutual promotion.The integration of digital technology makes the ice-snow art no longer limited to the visual shaping of the natural world,and also makes the regional culture in cold regions no longer subject to time and space.In this work,we integrated augmented reality technology into the development of ice-snow culture and designed an ice-snow art display system based on augmented reality technology,which can make the audiences experience the charm of ice-snow art in a one-stop way.Firstly,we investigated user 's needs through user survey,literature survey,field survey,and other survey methods,and then designed a display system based on the theme of ice-now art promotion of Harbin Ice-Snow World Tourism Area.In other words,we developed an AR mobile application to display the ice-snow art,and carried out the interactive design of AR cultural combined with print media(travel book)in order to bring users a comprehensive interactive experience.In the design process of the system,we used MAYA to accomplish the modeling of ice-snow models,completed the production of art resources with the help of Photoshop and After Effects,and finally constructed the overall functional structure and interactive design of the system in Unity.For a comprehensive evaluation of the system,we conducted user experience survey about this system in the way of usability testing and user satisfaction evaluation.Through careful analysis of the survey results,we have identified the limitations of the system,which will provide a solid foundation for the next step system optimization.In summary,this ice-snow art display system based on augmented reality has broken the geographical restrictions,which utilized digital technology to improve the diffusion efficiency of ice-snow cultural arts and added a new publicity channel for ice-snow art.This system can promote the development and inheritance of the ice-snow arts.The digital ice and snow art display system avoids the transitional development of the ecological environment to a certain extent,and explored a new path of sustainable development for the development of ice-snow cultures and arts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ice and Snow Art, Augmented Reality, Commemorative travel books
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