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A Philosophical Look At Augmented Reality

Posted on:2022-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G J ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Augmented reality is a kind of realistic situation generated with the development of Augmented Reality technology.As an artificial world picture,Augmented Reality is gaining its world significance day by day.Therefore,it has become a theme of contemporary philosophy to bring augmented reality into the philosophical field of vision,and to think about its essentialism and evaluate its axiology.For while augmented reality is a "buzzword," it is also a neologism whose meaning has not been fully determined.Therefore,in the first chapter of this paper,following the reality,virtual reality,augmented reality understanding approach,with the help of the relationship between reality,virtual reality and augmented reality,illustrate the theoretical connotation of augmented reality with virtual technology to help the presentation of reality.Because the augmented reality is and suffers from the co-existence of augmented reality,the second chapter of this article for augmented reality made expanding interpretation,in human technological innovation as a basic understanding of augmented reality,in arranging and analyzing the ancient and modern history,modern enhancement technique,on the basis of further highlights the modern digital enhancement technique,intelligent characteristics,Provides support for understanding the reality of augmented reality.In the third chapter,the representation forms of augmented reality are sorted out from five aspects such as health enhancement,and the analysis of function theory and value theory is made,which provides a factual basis for further theoretical reflection.Based on augmented reality performance,the theoretical characteristics and reality in the fourth chapter in this paper,from the nature of the enhancement technique thinking,augmented reality augmented reality significance and the value of the three angles for augmented reality has made the theory of reflection,the proposed intelligent,humanism,life is the characteristics of augmented reality,image type,virtualization and concreteness is augmented reality features of the world.As a new form of reality,augmented reality not only provides a more convenient and friendly field for human life and communication.At the same time,the improper application of augmented reality technology will also bring ethical and technical risks to the augmented reality world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Augmented reality, Technology, Philosophy, Introspection
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