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Listed Banks Of China Legal Regulatio Of Non-fair Related Party Transactions

Posted on:2014-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330488499395Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research mainly investigates listed banks of China legal regulation of related party transactions.Until March 2013,there were 16 banks listed in China.At the same time,many small and medium-sized city commercial banks are preparing for listing.Corresponding to this background,to control risks of listed banks is becoming an important research topic.This research hopes to be able to find some ideas to solve practical and theoretical problems,given the relevant recommendations.This paper selects related party transactions of listed banks and its Legal Regulation of the themes,the text is divided into five parts.Introduction part introduces some of the areas and issues to be studied and the current research status and research value of this brief analysis.The first chapter studied the related party and related party transactions in the legislative and theoretical definition and also defined to the related party transactions and the related parties of listed bank.Also,related party transactions will be listed banks to analyze the causes of,respectively,from a theoretical perspective,the perspective of internal control and external control perspective for analysis and summary of related party transactions of listed banks that reason prevailed.The third chapter discusses the risks of non-fair related party transactions listed banks,mainly from the controlling party of the listed banks,listed banks,minority shareholders,customers,depositors and the entire financial system and other aspects to analyze.The forth chapter of this article focuses on the introduction of incurrent legal system for our country and gives out the writer’s comments.The fifth chapter points out the measures should be taken in the legal regulation on non-fair related party transactions of listed banks:related party transactions listed banks improve the information disclosure system,strengthen the supervision and regulatory bodies to build a unified regulatory listed bank the legal system of related party transactions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Listed banks, Non-fair related party transactions, Legal regulations
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