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A Study On The Changes Of Fundamental Right Clauses In The Four Constitution Of China

Posted on:2018-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T B WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330515998434Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The constitution is known as the protection of the rights of the people,the main reason for the creation of the constitution is to limit the state’s public power to protect the private rights of citizens.Although there are provisions of the constitution of the national organization,but its ultimate purpose is to protect the basic rights of citizens.Therefore,the basic rights in the Constitution can be said to be the core of the whole constitution.Since the new China establishment of China has formulated four constitution,although there are provisions concerning the basic rights of citizens,but the four constitution through the reading of the text,the author found that the citizens’ basic rights provisions in four constitutions are different,showing the characteristics of changing.In this transformation process,the basic rights provisions by studying the new Chinese after the establishment of the four constitution in the first,it can be the basic rights in the constitution is constantly changing,with frequent constitutional basic rights to improve the way in the long run is not feasible.Therefore,the author suggests that the new "human rights clause" as a general clause in the constitution of our country,to recognize the existence of the fundamental rights of the constitution,in order to establish a sound system of constitutional basic rights.Secondly,although the change of basic rights in the constitution of the four part on the whole is improving,but there is a setback,the author believes that the change process through the basic rights provisions can reflect the degree of protection of the basic rights of citizens in different historical periods in our country,we can draw lessons from.Therefore,the author embarks from the current system of our country and learn from the past experience and lessons put forward to explain the new path as a basic constitutional right realization of the recommendations of the constitutionality of laws,so that citizens basic rights are effectively protected.
Keywords/Search Tags:fundamental rights, changes, right system, right protection
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