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The Study On The Concept Of Confucian Culture Of Mao Zedong

Posted on:2019-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545455260Subject:Branch community and common transport
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Mao Zedong's culture outlook of Confucianism,refers to Mao Zedong's views on and evaluation of the Confucian culture at different stages,and how to treat the Confucian culture in practice.In the process of Chinese revolution and construction,Mao,guided by Marxism,adhered to the policy of critical succession and creation.He inherited and innovated the outstanding elements of the Confucian culture,and criticized and reformed the dross.This is the theoretical basis for the party's correct treatment of Confucian culture and the integration of Confucian culture's excellent components into social and cultural construction.Studying Mao Zedong's view of Confucian culture has extremely important theoretical and practical significance.Mao Zedong's attitude toward Confucian culture was not immutable from an early age.In the era of schooling,Mao Zedong's attitude towards Confucian culture was mainly based on identification,and explained his own philosophy and world outlook in terms of Confucianism.After leaving Hunan in 1917,Mao Zedong's attitude toward Confucian culture has undergone a strong transformation due to the influence of the New Culture Movement.He mainly criticized the backwardness of Confucianism,but this understanding still stays at the emotional stage.After becoming a Marxist,Mao Zedong began to use the framework of Marxist theory to analyze the social background and class attributes of Confucian culture.This means that Mao Zedong's Confucian culture began to mature.After 1935,with the gradual success of Mao Zedong's exploration of the Sinicization of Marxist theory,his understanding of Confucian culture was basically mature and generally stereotyped.He also established the general principle of "taking the essence,rejecting the dross,criticizing inheritance,and promoting innovation" in order to treat Confucian culture.Mao's criticism of Confucian culture can be divided into two major parts:One is to thoroughly criticize and liquidate the decayed and backward aspects of Confucian culture related to feudal rituals from the perspective of historical materialism,exposing the class limitations of Confucian culture and making an objective assessment.The second is based on the dialectical materialist philosophy and analyzes important ideas such as "Zhi Xing","Zheng Ming" and "Zhong Yong" in the Confucian culture.While affirming their progressiveness,he also pointed out the existence of metaphysical and idealistic aspects in Confucian philosophy to achieve the differentiation and transcendence of Confucian philosophy.Another aspect of Mao Zedong's treatment of Confucian culture lies in separating its progressive and backward parts.He absorbs and accepts Confucian culture to promote social progress and realizes critical inheritance and creative use of the outstanding components of Confucian culture.The concrete manifestation of this kind of inheritance in practice is that Mao Zedong applied the ideas and concepts in Confucian classics to the specific issues of China's revolution and construction in terms of politics,strategy,party building,and education.In Mao's later years,his understanding of Confucian culture changed drastically.He overthrew his previous judgments and viewpoints on Confucian culture and embarked on the path of completely negating Confucian cultureThe concrete content of this transformation is manifested in the major changes in Mao Zedong's understanding of Confucian history and his policy on Confucian culture was changed to a complete negation.He also achieved criticism of Confucianism and Confucius through mass movements such as "four olds" and "the Criticize Lin(Biao),Criticize Confucius Campaign".The factor in the transformation of Mao Zedong's Confucian culture is that his thinking in his later years has deviated from historical materialism and dialectical materialism to some extent.This made it impossible for Mao Zedong to objectively understand the historical contribution and active role of Confucian culture,and gave up the"critical inheritance" which was a scientific Confucian view that had been tested in practice and conformed to Marxism,and embarked on the road of completely negating Confucian culture.Mao Zedong's views on the Confucian culture,as well as positive and negative revelations and lessons,are of great significance to the inheritance and development of the Confucian culture and the great development and prosperity of socialist culture.In today's society,we must adhere to the guidance of Marxism and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics,facing the upsurge of Confucian culture with a tolerant and open mind,it absorbs and draws upon the outstanding elements of Confucian culture,vigorously promotes China's outstanding traditional culture,and does its part to promote cultural innovation and promote cultural development.
Keywords/Search Tags:MaoZedong, Confucianism, Critical inheritance, historical, materialism, dialectical materialism
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