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Research On The Subject Of Responsibility Of Unmanned Vehicle Traffic Accident

Posted on:2018-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiangFull Text:PDF
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The development of unmanned vehicle is the trend and getting closer.Therefore,it is imperative to solve the problem of legality and liability of unmanned vehicles from the law.However,the legitimacy problem is easy to solve,the difficulty lies in who is responsible for the traffic accident and which way to take responsibility.This article mainly discusses the main body of responsibility in the event of a traffic accident in an unmanned vehicle.Based on the characteristics of unmanned vehicles,the author discusses the principle of liability for the unmanned vehicle traffic accident and the reason of the exemption according to the essential difference between the unmanned vehicle and the traditional driving car,and then analyzes the responsibility of the relevant civil is considered that there is no driver in the state of unmanned driving,the user is not responsible for the traffic accident during the automatic driving process.Most of the traffic accident is transferred from the user to the manufacturer.At the same time,based on the principle of technical neutrality,software provider are generally not responsible,but in two special circumstances there is responsibility:Firstly,when personal safety conflicts with property safety,unmanned vehicle must choose to sacrifice the cost of property to prevent the human body,life damage.Secondly,when sacrificing yourself and sacrificing others can only choose one,unmanned car making a bad choice for the user needs to get the user's prior authorization.To have a reservation on the view that unmanned vehicles can become the subject of,responsibility.And that the proportion of the responsibility of the relevant government and the private sector is widening.Finally,the recommendations on unmanned vehicle legislation,including the need to avoid making the manufacturer's responsibility too heavy,which will seriously combat the enthusiasm of manufacturers and reduce the overall social welfare.As well as the need for legislation to regulate software provider to follow universal legal value.
Keywords/Search Tags:unmanned vehicles, traffic accident, the principle of imputation, responsible subject
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