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A Study Of Engels's View Of Family

Posted on:2019-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548471532Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Love,marriage and family are the problems that we have to face and cannot escape in our daily life.With the rapid development of our country's economy and society,the family has produced unprecedented changes,people's family concept has been diversified,but also faced with a huge impact..The family,private ownership and the origin of the state in Engels's book is rich in content and profound in thought.The study of it is beneficial to understanding Engels's materialist conception of history,at the same time,it is beneficial to set up a correct family view and to build a socialist and harmonious family in the whole society.It is of great significance for today's society.About the research of Engels's family view,scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of academic research.They mainly studied and discussed Engels's family view from ethics,value theory,sociology and feminism.Based on previous research results,this paper attempts to innovate in depth and breadth.The structure of this article includes two parts:introduction and text.The introductory part includes the reasons and meaning of the research,domestic and international research,the basic research methods,and the innovations and shortcomings.The text includes three parts:First,the ideological origins of the formation of the concept of the family back Engels Morgan,Marx and Hagel's family thought.Engels's family view is the inheritance and development of Marx's family thought.It is a reference and transcendence for Morgan and Hagel's family thoughts.Second,the main idea of Engels's family view is analyzed and summarized.The first study of the evolution of family form.The historical research method is used to study the evolution process of family form from group marriage to exclusive system,and the main reasons for family evolution are natural selection and economic motivation,especially that material production plays a decisive role in family evolution.Two explore the essence of the family.On the basis of studying the evolution of family form,we dig deeper into the essence of family.From the two aspects of "marriage is a trade-off between interest and marriage" and the status of two sexes is dominated by wealth,the essence of family is interest relationship.Three elaboration of the emancipation of the family women.Since the essence of family is interest relationship,the relationship between husband and wife is determined by wealth.The wealth of husband and wife will directly affect the relationship between men and women.It began to explore the emancipation of women.The author first combed the changes of women's status from noble to humble,and then analyzed the fundamental reason for the change of women's status lies in economic reasons.Finally,the fundamental way for women's liberation was to go back to the "public service".Four the social role of the family.Family is a family in social history rather than isolated existence.It is not static.Therefore,after exploring the evolution of family form,the essence of the family and the liberation of women,this paper puts the family as a whole into the social history to study the strong and weak changes in the social role of the family.In the primitive society,family life is the whole social life,and the social role of the family is very strong;in the class society,the social role of the family is turned from the dominant to the weakening.Because with the development of material production,the role of material production plays a more and more dominant role in the society,so the family's role in society is weakening.At last,we get the rule that the social function of family is inversely proportional to the speed of social development.Five explore the ethical principles that the future family should follow.In the last part of Engels's family view,we explore the ethical principles that future families should follow.It mainly includes"marriage only based on love is moral," the status of men and women in the family is close to equality and the unity of sex and love in marriage.Third,reveal the inspiration of Engels's family view to the contemporary age.The ultimate purpose of studying Engels's family view is to serve the practice.Therefore,the ultimate goal of this paper is to study Engels's family view.The main inspiration is:family equality and harmony in one family,two advocate marriage based on love,three pay attention to the improvement and emancipation of women's status.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engels, family, love, economic, independence, equality
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