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Resources,Opportunities And Abilities:An Economic Anthropological Investigation On The Relocation Of Poverty Alleviation And The Reallocation Of Rural Resources

Posted on:2019-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the analysis of the reasons for the relocation and the policy environment,this paper takes the poverty alleviation and relocation of Liangxinzhai Village in Yuanyang County of Yunnan Province as the entry point,and studies the national poverty alleviation policies and specific social environment during the implementation of the poverty alleviation relocation project.How relevant Chinese stakeholders use their own resource endowments,opportunity structure,and development abilities to obtain poverty reduction relocation targets and national policy support.In the process of the construction of the resettlement community,the Yi immigrants who relocate the vast majority of their populations use their own social and cultural resources to achieve social integration,and how the minority Hani immigrants adapt to and adjust to the impact of the Yi culture.At the same time,after the relocation,how does the relocating population use their own resource endowments,opportunity structure,and development capacity combined with the specific environment to achieve a reasonable allocation of resources,thereby forming a diverse resource allocation pattern and development path choices.In the end,different relocated populations use the national poverty alleviation policies and participate in regional development to realize the expansion of their own material resources,social resources and human resources on the basis of resource transfer,and then how to use new and old resources to reconfigure in the new social environment.And configuration,so that in the process of resources reallocation,that is,in the relationship between the technical configuration of resources and social configuration,the economic income of relocated population increases,the economic structure is adjusted,and the social order is reconstructed.Judging from the effect of poverty alleviation and relocation in the Liangxinzhai Village,the resettlement type of the relocation project is within the vicinity of the administrative village,and it has achieved its original purpose as a refuge from disaster and the limitation of the living space of the evacuated land.In addition,the resettlement population in the administrative village is not completely separated from the original socio-cultural space and abandoned natural resources such as cultivated land.Therefore,it is relatively easy to adapt and adjust in terms of social culture,production,and life.However,as a way to alleviate poverty and expand the space for relocated population development,the resettlement within the administrative village has not been substantially expanded due to the relocation itself,and the resource endowments and development space of the relocated population have been substantially expanded,and its resource endowments and further development space still depend on it.It is supported by national development strategies such as poverty alleviation policies and regional poverty alleviation and development.Therefore,whether poverty alleviation and relocation can achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and development depends on whether the relocated population can effectively use the original resources and fully utilize the priority of obtaining national poverty alleviation policies to support and enjoy the right to allocate resources for poverty alleviation,while expanding its own resource endowments.Through the skills training provided by the government and the use of its own cultural capital in tourism development,human capital investment can be achieved and its own development abilities can be enhanced.In order to use the opportunity of the national industry to help the poor adjust the land use system and the employment structure,and actively participate in regional development to achieve "the internalization of external resources",to achieve the expansion of resources and development space,the formation of a new resource allocation pattern and a new kinetic energy development.In fact,in the specific practice of the poverty alleviation relocation project in different areas,due to the differences in social development conditions and development status in different areas,the development path and policy support for achieving accurate poverty reduction through relocation and poverty alleviation have also shown different ways and forms.At the same time,due to regional cultural differences and differences in resource endowments,opportunity structures,and action abilities among potential relocatees,the causes of relocation and poverty alleviation,the type of relocation targets,and the implementation process of relocation also show considerable differences.For the case of Liangxinzhai Village,the case of the case,the policy supports the dualcharacteristics of the national precision poverty alleviation policy and the policy of "Poverty Alleviation and Development in the Mountains of the Southern Honghe prefecture".From the perspective of the causes of poverty alleviation and relocation,the direct reason is that the natural disasters caused by landslides have caused problems for the safety of some villagers.Therefore,it is necessary to obtain new living spaces through migration so that the production can be carried out normally.However,in the specific operation process,different types of relocated households were formed due to differences in resource endowment,opportunity structure,and development ability,mainly including households affected by landslides,poor households,simultaneous relocation households and dilapidated building households.however,From the perspective of national support policies,the relocation targets are also classified into two types: poor households and simultaneous relocation households.From the perspective of ethnic composition,it is also divided into two types: Yi and Hani.As a result,the cause of poverty alleviation in the Liangxinzhai Village is not only confined to the natural disasters of landslides,but also has deeper economic,political,and social factors.More importantly,due to the many differences between villagers and the multi-stakeholder game,the types of relocated households are diversified,and the types of relocated households not only reflect the common interest demands of different relocated people,but also lead to the relocation of households.The differences in the use of poverty-reducing resources and their own resource endowments,opportunity structures,and development capabilities have led to the formation of different relocation targets to achieve the path to poverty alleviation and development.Qualitatively speaking,it is the different expectations of different relocating households based on their own conditions and the future development space,that is,different resource allocation methods based on different opportunity cost considerations,so as to form different behaviors and ways to achieve poverty eradication and development.Differences in opportunities,capabilities,and ways of relocating the population's control over natural resources,social resources,human resources,etc.,and the resourceutilization or resource allocation pattern composed of these resources.Resource stocks and increments of different resources of different relocated populations.The combination and growth process continuously shape people's economic and social life.That is,in the process of resources reallocation and economic growth,and in the process of the interaction of technical configuration and social configuration of resources,the accumulation of economic capital to the capital accumulation of symbolic capital is realized,thereby realizing the "re-allocation of rights" or "redistribution of the dominant structural rights".Actively participating in the construction of the dominant social order has become an active subject that reshapes its new social status.Based on this,the relocation of poverty alleviation and the reallocation of rural resources have gained significance in many aspects such as economic growth and social development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resource endowment, Opportunity structure, Development ability, Resources allocation, Order reconstruction
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