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Research On Copyright Infringement Of Online Game Live

Posted on:2020-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S K GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575976006Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Live broadcasting of online games refers to a new entertainment way that the host of online games or the platform of live broadcasting of online games propagate the picture of game operation to an unspecified third person through the Internet.In recent years,the continuous development of online game live broadcasting has not only been popular by game fans,but also attracted the attention of game manufacturers,game hosts,online game live broadcasting platform and other stakeholders.Whether the game live broadcasting needs the permission of the game manufacturer,whether the players have the right to share the huge benefits brought by the game live broadcasting,whether the illegal broadcasting of game pictures without platform permission constitutes infringement and which subject's rights are also hot topics of common concern in the practical and theoretical circles.In order to answer these questions,we need to analyze whether online game pictures and online game live pictures belong to works,whether the nature of the use of live game pictures belongs to rational use,and the issue of tort liability.In this paper,the introduction part mainly introduces the background of the research on copyright infringement of online game live broadcasting,the research content and research methods of this article;secondly,the basic theory of online game live broadcasting,after introducing the concept of online game and the transmission mode and characteristics of online game live broadcasting,the possible copyright objects involved in Online game live broadcasting infringement are introduced.That is to say,the nature and ownership of rights of online game pictures and live online game pictures are discussed.Next,the rational use of copyright infringement in the field of online game live broadcasting is analyzed,and the determination of tort liability in the field of online game live broadcasting is analyzed from the "four elements" of illegal acts,facts of damage,causality,subjective fault,etc.At the same time,the possible exemption from tort is also discussed.Finally,it points out the problems faced in the practice of tort in the field of online game live broadcasting and puts forward some suggestions for regulation.First of all,we should speed up the process of legislation.Then,we should improve the computer system of damages and introduce punitive damages when necessary.Finally,we should establish and improve the collective management organization of copyright and strengthen collective management.
Keywords/Search Tags:live broad casting, game screen, infringement act, fair use
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