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Legal Regulation Of P2P Online Lending Risk

Posted on:2021-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of economic level,P2 P online lending as an intermediary platform has rapidly developed and become popular in various countries around the world.China's P2 P online lending platform is in the initial stage of development,and there is no clear legislation.Therefore,while the P2 P online lending platform is prospering and developing,its existing risks and problems are gradually surfaced.Platform operation violations,internal control management and inadequate information disclosure,illegal fund raising risks,etc.Therefore,strengthening the legal regulation of P2 P online lending is a problem that needs to be solved urgently.The first part of this article discusses the theoretical concept of P2 P.The second part analyzes the cases of E Zuobao and Yixin Pratt & Whitney.The risks faced by P2 P online lending at the emergent stage emerge.Good experience in the regulation of P2 P online lending platforms.The fourth part is based on the actual situation in China.It proposes the P2 P online lending platform from the perspective of standardizing the civil legal system,regulatory legal system,clarifying the criminal responsibility of P2 P online lending and protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers.Corresponding legislative proposals,strengthening national legislation,judicial justice,and citizens 'consciousness of observing laws help protect the rights and interests of consumers,solve practical problems,make up for regulatory loopholes,and promote the good development of online lending.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P network lending, illegal fundraising, lack of law, legal regulation
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