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Research On The Power Of Investigation Of Supervisory Organs

Posted on:2021-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N W SunFull Text:PDF
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In order to stop the spread of corruption in our society and build a national supervision system covering the state organs and their civil servants in an all-round way,on December 25,2016,China issued the "Decision on the Pilot Work of the State Supervision System Reform in Beijing,Shanxi Province and Zhejiang Province," and then the " Decision on the Pilot Work of the State Supervision System Reform in various parts of the country "(hereinafter referred to as "Decision "),and the reform of the State Supervision System was comprehensively pushed aside throughout the country.The coverage and comprehensiveness of the reform of the supervisory system reflect the country's determination to punish corruption."Centralized unity,authority and efficiency" is the goal of China's supervisory organs.From the achievements of the supervisory organs in recent two years,it can be seen that the centralized decentralized state organs power to combat corruption is an effective way to fit the current development of our country.In this reform,the most noticeable point is to transfer the procuratorial organ's duty crime investigation power to the supervisory organ.The power to investigate duty-related crimes shall be stripped from the hands of procuratorial organs,and the procuratorial organs shall have the power to investigate duty-related crimes,the right to arrest or decide arrest,the right to public prosecution and the right to legal supervision shall be removed from the hands of procuratorial organs.The reform of the supervisory system undoubtedly brought a strong impact to the original "public security law" system," good system can make the bad people cannot arbitrarily cross the line,bad system can make good people do good without compensation,or even go to the opposite side ".The post-reform supervision system is not fixed,it should be adapted to the needs of social development.This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the investigation right of the supervisory organ from the angle of the duty crime of the supervisory organ,and puts forward some measures to perfect the investigation right of the duty crime,promote the establishment and improvement of the supervision system of our country,and achieve the effect of punishing corruption efficiently.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supervisory organ, Right to investigation of duty offences, Reform of the supervisory systemclause
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