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Research On The Development Of Softball In Colleges And Universities In Xi'an

Posted on:2019-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330566978482Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid promotion of soft ball in all parts of the country,it has been popular among the masses of the country.At present,the project is popularizing and popularizing in xi 'an district.Some universities have started to promote and establish relevant courses in the form of school-based physical education,but the promotion is slow,which is a question worth thinking about.It is of great significance to promote the development of soft ball movement in normal universities in xi 'an.But,in view of the ordinary institutions of higher learning in xi 'an region soft power ball movement development progress is slow,the students understanding of the project is not enough,this study to conduct a full investigation of this phenomenon and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.In the process of research,this paper mainly adopts the methods of expert interview and questionnaire the process of writing this paper,the methods of literature,mathematical statistics and logical reasoning are used to interview 20 colleges and universities randomly selected in Xi 'an area,and questionnaire survey is carried out on the colleges and universities which have opened courses.the actual situation of soft ball movement in Xi 'an area is understood in detail,and some targeted suggestions are put forward.The conclusions of this paper are as follows:(1)Students in colleges and universities like softball very much,and are very satisfied with the school's initiative to open softball class;The teaching content is single,the level of teaching technology is not high,the training of softball skills is less,need to be improved.(2)The academic level of college softball teachers is higher,the minimum degree is graduate students,but the technical level of softball is poor and needs to be improved.(3)Because the flexible ball movement activity way is diverse,deeply the Xi 'an area ordinary university student's favorite,likes this movement the interlocking and borrows the strength to play the characteristic.(4)Although,the popularity of softball in colleges and universities in Xi 'an area is not high.However,this sport has entered the 13 th national games,which is loved by students and has a good development prospect.(5)Xi 'an area only once a year the national softball competition,almost no school competition,which directly affects the development and popularity of softball sports.Based on the findings,the following recommendations are made:(1)Relevant departments should strengthen the promotion of softball sports in colleges and universities,while improving the popularity of relevant theoretical knowledge,toincrease students' understanding of softball sports.(2)Colleges and universities in Xi'an should give soft ball some financial support to promote the development of soft ball.At the same time,colleges and universities should hold more softball exchange activities to improve students' softball technical level.(3)At present,soft ball teachers in colleges and universities are not professional,I hope relevant departments can hold some more training courses for teachers,so as to improve the teaching level of teachers.(4)At present,80 % of the schools offer softball courses in the form of elective courses,each school can carry out softball courses in the form of school-based physical education,so as to promote the development of softball.(5)Multi-organization softball learners to participate in various activities of the school,on the one hand,better publicity in colleges and universities softball;On the other hand,the technical level of the softball learners can be improved...
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi'an region, soft ball movement, Situation analysis
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