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Experimental Study On The Effect Of Different Proficiency Level And Different Operation Strategy Demonstration On The Learning Effect Of Playing Football By The Inside Foot

Posted on:2020-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575492773Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Demonstration,as one of the important steps in skill learning,not only affects the learning effect but also reflects the skill level of the demonstrator.The learner can self-exhibit the technical action by observing the action of the learner.Observational learning theory believes that the type of demonstration can have an impact on motor skills learning.The instructor needs to select the appropriate demonstration according to the corresponding situation of the students,so that the students can quickly and accurately obtain the motor skills.The students also form a correct cognition through the observation and learning of the actions of the demonstrators,and obtain new ones through practice and guidance.Sports skills.Learning motor skills requires combining theory with methods to effectively improve the learning outcomes of skills.The formation of motor skills will have different effects on skill learning because of the different models and demonstration strategies.There are still some differences in performance characteristics in different periods of exercise skill practice.Whether there is any difference between the research results of the rigorous experiments in the laboratory and the results of the field-effective experiments remains to be verified.Therefore,to study the skills of internal changes have a more in-depth understanding,in this paper,aimed at different proficiency levels and different operating strategy model for football playing foot inside learning experiment,the influence of different model types and demonstrate different operating strategy for football skills learning effect,help to improve the learning effect of observation model.At the same time,it is of great practical and theoretical significance to improve the demonstration teaching effect of complex motor skills.This study used literature,measurement,experimental,mathematical statistics,logic analysis and comparative analysis.According to the previous research,the model's proficiency level and demonstration operation strategy were selected,and 120 girls without football experience were selected as experimental subjects.Four groups of experimental classes were used to teach football skills.Each experimental group Randomly selected a demonstration and demonstration operation strategy for teaching.In 8 experimental courses,through the test and migration test,the relevant data were obtained,and different proficiency levels and different operational strategies were analyzed to demonstrate the kicking of the football foot at different stages.The effect of the ball learning effect.The purpose of this study is to find out which demonstration methods and methods can effectively promote beginners' learning of open football skills and influence the learning effect of football skills,so that physical education teachers can correctly recognize the importance of demonstration.And can provide valuable suggestions for choosing appropriate demonstration teaching strategies in sports training and teaching.The results show:(1)In the first maintenance test,the skilled demonstration + fast operation strategy demonstration,learning demonstration + slow operation strategy demonstration,skilled demonstration + slow operation strategy demonstration and learning demonstration + rapid operation strategy demonstration four groups The difference in performance over a short period of time is not obvious.(2)In the second maintenance test,the main effect of the demonstrator was significant,and the test results of the skilled demonstration were better than the learning demonstration.Among them,the proficiency type + quick demonstration operation strategy group has the best score.(3)In the maintenance test phase after the experiment,the main effect of the demonstration type was significant,and the test results of the skilled demonstration were better than the learning demonstration.Among them,the cooked demonstration + rapid demonstration operation strategy group scored the best.(4)In the post-test migration test,the main effects of the demonstrator main effect and the demonstration operational strategy were not significant,and there were no significant differences in the results of the four experimental groups.In conclusion:(1)In the cognitive stage of kicking the ball inside the football foot,the demonstration group of the skilled + fast operation strategy maintains the best performance.(2)In the demonstration type,the demonstration learning effect of the skilled demonstration group is optimal.From the perspective of demonstration operation strategy,the demonstration learning effect of fast demonstration operation strategy is better than that of slow demonstration operation strategy.The combination of skilled demonstration and fast demonstration operation strategy has the best demonstration learning effect,followed by the combination of skilled demonstration and slow demonstration operation strategy.(3)In the cognitive stage of skill learning,different demonstration types and different demonstration operation strategies have no significant effect on the migration test scores of soccer skill learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:observational learning, proficiency level, demonstration strategy, football, learning effect
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