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China Population Mortality Rate Study

Posted on:2019-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N WeiFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of the economy,China's medical conditions have been greatly improved,and the mortality rate of the population has also improved.However,at the same time,there have been related issues such as the aging of the population,the shortage of medical resources and the tension between doctors and patients.We should respond effectively to a more profound and scientific understanding of China's demographic situation.Giving reasonable advice and opinions to the government and relevant departments such as health care will improve the scientific and limited decision-making,make people's lives more and more happy,and promote social fairness and harmony.The article mainly discusses the impact of mortality on the three main aspects of disease,age,and region,and uses a log-linear model for empirical analysis.The main content of the article is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction,which specifically analyzes the background conditions,sources of data and definitions of some indicators for the study of the mortality rate in China.The second part studies the mortality from the main diseases or causes of death.The third part studies the age and geographical differences reflected in the mortality rate.The fourth part is the empirical analysis.Through the logarithmic linear model in the generalized linear model,the main disease mortality data from 2009 to 2016 are modeled and fitted to analyze the relationship between mortality and age.urban and rural areas,and major diseases.The fifth part is summary and suggestion.Studies have shown that the composition of mortality and cause of death in different age groups is not the same,and mortality generally increases with age.Geographically,there are differences in the main disease mortality rates between urban and rural areas.The mortality rates in different geographical areas are also different.But there has been no significant temporal trend in the mortality rate of major diseases in the past eight years.The mortality rate of a population is related to the level of economic development,living environment eating habits,and medical and health conditions.When formulating related medical and health policies,it should be based on the actual situation of China's population mortality rate and concrete analysis of specific issues,according to disease and age.In the aspect of medical and old-age care,we hope to introduce more scientific and technological innovations and provide suggestions for reducing China's financial expenditure on health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mortality, Rate Leading Cause of Death, Log-linear Model
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