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Research On Teaching Strategy Of High School Biology Concept Based On Life Concept

Posted on:2020-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578459171Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 2017 edition of the high school biology curriculum standard takes "life concept" as one of the core literacy of the discipline.At the same time,it points out that the curriculum design pursues the principle of "less and fine",and the teaching content focuses on the big concept.The concept of life is a major point of view that runs through the entire curriculum of the biology department.Therefore,the concept of life corresponds to the core concepts or concepts in biology.Understanding the concept of biology is the foundation of students’ concept of life.The concepts of life in high school biology,such as evolution and adaptation,steady state and balance,etc.,the "Molecular and Cell" module mainly uses structure and function and material and The energy concept is dominant.Therefore,this topic explores the impact of applying conceptual teaching strategies on the formation of life concepts in high school biology teaching.This topic is conducted by a combination of investigation and research methods and action research methods.First,comparing the results of the questionnaire survey between teachers and students,the following conclusions can be drawn: students and teachers jointly recognize the importance of biological concepts;teachers have a good awareness of concept teaching,but the implementation of teaching actions needs to be further improved;students’ interest in concept learning Very high,but the ability to apply concepts is insufficient.Secondly,according to the teaching suggestions and academic requirements in the 2017 edition of the high school biology curriculum standards,the specific concept teaching strategies of the Molecular and Cell module are sorted out,including the history history teaching strategy,the model teaching strategy,the comparative method teaching strategy,and the conceptual map.The teaching strategy is applied to the teaching practice,and the corresponding evaluation volume is selected according to the academic level requirements in the curriculum standards,and the results of the corresponding teaching practice are analyzed.Through the study of the high school biology concept teaching strategy based on the concept of life,the following conclusions are drawn: Emphasis on concept teaching is in line with the requirements of the 2017 new curriculum standard for biology teaching.Through this strategy,teachers can enhance their own literacy and ability,and help teachers change teaching.Concept.Through these strategies,students have a certain positive effect on the establishment of life concepts.These strategies can also improve students’ understanding,migration and application of concepts.
Keywords/Search Tags:concept teaching, history of science, concept map, model method
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