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Application Research On The ARCS Model Of Motivation Design In High School Chemistry Teaching

Posted on:2020-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z QinFull Text:PDF
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"ARCS motivational Model"was proposed by J.M.Keller,a psychology professor at the University of Florida,USA.He believed that teachers should integrate the theory of learning motivation into classroom teaching practice in order to truly realize "effective teaching".The model includes four conceptual categories,namely,"Attention","Relevance","Confidence","Satisfaction" with the initials of four English words,referred to as the "ARCS" motivational pattern.The first is to arouse and maintain the attention of the students.Force,permeating relevance in teaching,then let students have the confidence to complete the learning task,and finally let the students experience the satisfaction after completing the task,which can stimulate the students’ desire for learning and produce lasting motivation.This paper analyses and expounds the basic connotation,development and application of "ARCS motivational Model" under the guidance of certain theories,taking the compulsory I textbook as an example,combining with the relevant documents,and under the guidance of certain theories,this paper analyzes and expounds the main points of its application.The teaching design of "ARCS motivational model" in chemistry teaching practice was designed,and the teaching practice was carried out in order to provide reference and enlightenment for applying motivation theory to teaching and promoting"effective teaching".This paper is divided into five parts:Part Ⅰ:Overview of the study.This paper investigates and analyzes the problems existing in the chemistry learning of senior high school students and the significance of cultivating students’ learning motivation to the cultivation of "core literacy" in the new curriculum standard,and expounds the reasons for choosing the topic.Then,summarizes the overall situation of the development of ARCS motivation model at home and abroad,finally introduces the significance,methods and ideas of this study.Part Ⅱ:Research summary and related theories.This paper mainly expounds the theoretical basis of the research,the definition of the concept and the theoretical basis and introduces the constituent elements and application steps of ARCS motivation model.Part Ⅲ:Investigation and analysis of motivation status.First of all,the use and present situation of motivation incentive strategy in teaching,the present situation of students’ chemistry learning motivation,the present situation of academSecondly,the data are analyzed and the conclusions are drawn.Finally,according to the interview,the results ic level of experimental class and control class are pre-tested,and the pre-test data are collected.of questionnaire survey and the psychological characteristics of senior high school students,this paper analyzes the current situation of students’motivation in A,R,C,S,and provides the basis for the application of ARCS motivation strategy in teaching.Part Ⅳ:Design and practice of teaching activities.In this part,the teaching design mode of Gagne and ARCS motivation design mode are compared and analyzed,and the "three items and four links"teaching design mode which is integrated into the teaching design is put forward.Then,according to the results of practical investigation,this paper puts forward some suggestions on the implementation of ARCS motivation strategy and encodes the ARCS motivation strategy.Then the teaching design of ion reaction and redox reaction is developed by using the teaching design mode of "three items and four links".Finally,the data analysis software is used to analyze the practical results and evaluate the implementation effect.Part Ⅴ:Research conclusions and recommendations.Summarize the results of the study and make suggestions on the shortcomings.The innovation of this study lies in the demonstration of the maneuverability of integrating motivation strategy into teaching design,and puts forward the teaching design mode of "three items and four links" which integrates motivation strategy into teaching design.The teaching cases of "ion reaction" and "redox reaction" are designed in order to provide reference for chemistry teaching in middle school.
Keywords/Search Tags:chemistry teaching, learning motivation, motivating strategies, ARCS motivation model
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