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Department Edition Junior High School "World History" Textbook Analysis Of Gender Presentation Of Characters

Posted on:2020-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578974679Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article takes the ministry edition junior High School "world history" textbook as the research object,through the quantitative qualitative combination method to carry on the gender analysis to the textbook appearance,tries to answer the following question:How to present the gender appearance in the Textbook of "World History" in the Ministry edition of Junior High school?What are the characteristics of gender representation of male and female characters in the textbook of "World History" in junior high school?Is there any improvement in the gender presentation of male and female characters?If there is an imperfect place,how should we improve it?According to this line of thinking,the main content of this paper is divided into the following five parts:The first part mainly includes the reason of the topic selection,reviews and analyzes the research process of textbook problems at home and abroad,and puts forward the research method of this paper through the study of the gender audit standard of textbooks in foreign countries and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,and determines the specific categories of text analysis of the paper.The second part of the department version of junior High School "world history"textbook Body,Text auxiliary system,text illustration three parts of the characters appear qualitative and quantitative analysis.The third part adopts the qualitative and quantitative analysis results of the sex presentation of the characters of the Middle school "world history",and summarizes the characteristics of the gender present in the textbooks of the Middle school "world history" in the department,Part IV Analysis of the Department of Junior High School "world history" textbook character gender presents the existence of imperfections and its reasons,and targeted recommendations to improve the gender representation of textbook characters.It should be pointed out that the preparation of textbooks is different from the preparation of historical monographs,textbook preparation in the content selection of a greater focus on the basic and representative,because the preparation of space-limited textbooks often choose more representative figures and events to show the history of development,but also because of long-term in the male power society,"male outside the female master" Basic family model,female historical materials are less,the overall image of women in history is not as colorful as men,women appear in textbooks far less than men,This paper analyzes the compilation of junior High School "world history" textbook Gender representation of men and women is not to require textbooks to ignore historical facts blindly improve the status of women in history,more importantly,hope to show the history of women’s true image in textbooks,not only to increase female role model figures,It is also necessary to demonstrate the oppression and exploitation suffered by women in history and the resistance and struggle of women in situations of vulnerability,so that learners can objectively appreciate the status and respective roles of men and women in the course of historical development.
Keywords/Search Tags:history textbook, gender studies, gender stereotypes, women, world histoty
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