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Research On Influence Of Mathematical Gender Stereotype Endorsement And Mathematical Achievements In Middle School Students

Posted on:2020-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596467196Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the related stereotypes theories,this paper discusses the influence of two mathematics gender stereotypes on male and female students in junior high school by establishing structural equation models.The results can explain and analyze the influence of the gender stereotypes about education in the social environment on male and female students and their similarities and differences.The relevant conclusions of this paper hope to raise people’s awareness of gender stereotypes and gender equity in education,and promote the realization of gender equity in education.By establishing the structural equation models of male and female students and comparing them,the following conclusions are drawn: 1.Mathematical ability-gender stereotypes have adverse effects on girls’ mathematics scores and mathematics anxiety,but can improve the mathematics scores of boys;2.Mathematics learning-gender stereotypes can improve girls’ mathematics scores,but increase boys’ mathematics anxiety;3.Mathematical ability-gender stereotypes and mathematical learning-gender stereotypes have an interactive effect on girls’ mathematics scores and boys’ mathematics anxiety levels.The results of this study on the status quo survey and model building found that junior high school students have been able to recognize two mathematics gender stereotypes in the social environment and internalize them.Two mathematics gender stereotypes have different degrees of negative impact on the mathematics learning of boys and girls.The results show that two mathematics gender stereotypes will hinder the fairness of process and results in mathematics education.From the perspective of gender equality in education,although gender stereotypes are positive for certain groups,teachers,parents and relevant departments should be aware of the negative effects of gender stereotypes and reflect on their own views in a timely manner to avoid spreading gender stereotypes.
Keywords/Search Tags:math ability-gender stereotypes, math learning attitude-gender stereotypes, mathematical achievement, math anxiety
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