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Research On The Design Of Chemistry Classroom Activities Based On The Development Of Subject Competence

Posted on:2021-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330629985627Subject:Subject teaching chemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The chemistry curriculum standards strongly encourage students to build their own understanding of knowledge through chemistry activities and pay attention to the cultivation of abilities.Chemistry teaching should cultivate students 'chemistry ability.Existing researches on chemistry ability mainly focus on discussing its connotation and essence,and focus on theoretical research.There are few practical studies on cultivating students' chemistry ability,and there is a lack of research on teaching activity design.This research uses this as an entry point,and through the review of the literature,attempts to construct an effective teaching method for cultivating the chemistry ability.Activity teaching originated in the 1990 s.In order to improve the disadvantages of passively accepting knowledge of class-teaching system students,they actively seek to change the learning method.Activity teaching is one of the effective means to change the learning method,and it is also highly respected.This study tries to combine the two to cultivate students' "chemistry subject ability" in the form of "activity teaching".Based on the requirements of curriculum reform and the current status of chemistry teaching,this article clarifies the purpose and significance of the subject research,research methods and research content,the literature summarizes the current status of chemistry subject ability research,activity teaching research status,and related concept definitions,which lays the foundation for the research.Theoretical basis.According to the literature review,it is found that the domestic scholars' research on chemistry subject abilities mainly focuses on theoretical aspects,and there is a lack of practical research on how to cultivate students' chemistry subject abilities.Therefore,the research direction of this subject is determined as how to cultivate students' chemistry through chemistry classroom activities Discipline ability.In the study,a questionnaire was designed to investigate the current status of the implementation of activity teaching in the high school chemistry classroom,and it was found that:(1)the choice of chemistry classroom activity type is single;(2)the teacher's guidance role is not strong;Conduct reflections to avoid entering the same misunderstandings in the design of this study case,while learning lessons and trying to solve these problems.On the basis of reading the literature,this article puts forward the activity model of cultivating the chemistry discipline ability in combination with the characteristics of the chemistry discipline,and discusses the currently unanimously recognized activity model types,that is,discourse-communication,practice-experience,experimentinquiry;The design principles of the psychological and cognitive characteristics of high school students,that is,activity design should follow the principles of science,subjectivity,collaboration and openness;the strategy part proposes corresponding training strategies against the three indicators of subject ability,Cultivate the ability to learn and understand,from the perspective of knowledge construction,be good at digging the connection between problems and abilities,the difficulty of regulating problems,and good at finding the connection between problems and problems.Cultivate the practical ability of application,from the perspective of knowledge consolidation,create cognitive contradictions,arouse the desire to explore,design activities at different levels to promote joint participation.Cultivate the ability of application transfer,from the perspective of knowledge application,lay a solid foundation to improve application ability,guide the questioning method,cultivate the spirit of questioning,design open test questions to promote the divergence of thinking.To study the procedure of activity teaching,the author believes that we must first select the content of the activity according to the students' actual conditions,then recognize the study curriculum standards,determine the activity objectives,and the final priority is to integrate the chemistry discipline ability elements and refine the activities.Process,refine the ability training into each activity.Finally,based on the above research,design an activity teaching case for disciplinary ability development,and select an experimental class and a control class to carry out a three-month experimental research.After the experimental research is completed,the effect of the student's chemical discipline ability development is tested It was found that the experimental class students' "general relevance","explanatory argument","analysis and interpretation",and "inference prediction" are superior to the control class students,and the final grade experimental class is also better than the control class.During this process,students 'learning methods have changed,their interest in chemistry and learning initiative have been significantly improved,and the relationship between teachers and students has also become more harmonious.It shows that the designed teaching principles,strategies and implementation procedures can effectively serve to cultivate students' chemistry Discipline ability has a positive impact on students' learning chemistry.In this study,the research cycle is relatively short,and no obvious results have been seen in the higher levels of discipline abilities such as "simple design","complex reasoning",and "systematic inquiry".I hope to have a longer period of exploration in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chemistry ability, Chemistry classroom activities, Activity teaching, The teaching design
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