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Empirical Study On Factors That Influence Consumer's Purchasing Intention In Wechat Marketing

Posted on:2019-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330548965716Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2011,within 6 years,WeChat has developed into a multifunctional social application characterized by various functions of communication,entertainment,payment and daily service.Up to the second quarter of 2017,the monthly active WeChat users have reached 900 million.In recent years,based on huge user base,powerful functions,large information pushing and one-on-one interaction,WeChat has become an ideal platform for companies to conduct marketing campaign to attract more targeted and potential consumers.Studying the impact of WeChat marketing on consumers' purchasing intention enables companies to have a better understanding about consumers' psychology and to strategize effective WeChat marketing plan.However,compared with traditional marketing,in the academic circle,study on WeChat marketing is still at the rudimentary stage and many of them are conducted in qualitative ways.Moreover,most of the relevant studies about impact of WeChat marketing on consumers' purchasing intention only take a few factors in WeChat marketing into consideration which makes current studies' research angle relatively simple and uncomprehensive.Therefore,this paper proposes a model by referring to the studies on purchasing intention from perspective of attitude,and selects five potential factors(based on previous literature review and characteristics of WeChat)in WeChat marketing as independent variables,attitude as mediator and purchasing intention as dependent variable to answer two major questions through statistical analysis: What are the effective factors in WeChat marketing that can affect consumers' purchasing intention? How do those factors affect consumers' purchasing intention?Referring to the previous questionnaire scale,this paper revises the question items according to the research need.To guarantee the effectiveness of this questionnaire,a pilot survey is conducted before the formal survey.Besides,this paper uses SPSS 19 to do the several statistical analyses including descriptive analysis,validity and reliability test,exploratory factor analysis,correlation analysis,linear regression analysis and mediating impact analysis.With reliability and validity tests,the effectiveness of question items can be guaranteed.Through dimension reduction of exploratory analysis,information quality and interaction are combined as one major factor Marketing Content.According to the correlation and linear regression analysis,it indicates that Brands & Publicity,Marketing Content,KOL and Perceived Interestingness all have positive impact on consumers' purchasing intention.Through mediating effect analysis,attitude can partially mediate the impact of those four factors in WeChat marketing on purchasing intention.Besides,according to the percentage of mediating impact in general impact,it indicates that those four factors in WeChat marketing can also affect purchasing intention through other influencing routes.Due to the paper limitation,these conditions are not discussed in this paper.Based on these conclusions,the two major questions are answered and the initial model is revised at the end of Chapter five.In the end,this paper also provides some constructive suggestions for companies to conduct effective WeChat marketing in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat marketing, Purchasing intention, Mediating effect
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