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On The Spatial Flow Method And Application Of Group Dance

Posted on:2019-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dance is mainly represented by human actions after refining,organizing and beautifying.Therefore,dance is closely related to space.The state of space is determined by space distance,direction and position.This is also a factor to be considered.They decide whether the dance is graceful,coherent and ductile.The dance space is not only the explanation of the long,wide and high space in mathematics,but the concept of the dance space has also been given its unique meaning,which determines its diversity and changeability.The use of space plays an important role in the creation of dance.The excellent spatial expression and application can improve the beauty of a dance,make the work rich and full,on the contrary,it will make the whole dance appear to be broken,incoherent and malleable.This article mainly focuses on the dance form and its application in the choreography process.
Keywords/Search Tags:dance creation, space, flow and change, way and application
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