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The Status Quo, Problems And Thinking Of The Development Of China's Cyber Diplomacy

Posted on:2019-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WeiFull Text:PDF
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The emergence of hot events such as establishment of "New China" in Xinhua News Agency ",American president Trump has used twitter for diplomatic activities many times and the spontaneous actions of netizens after the Japanese APA hotel incident shows that the traditional diplomatic approach is entering a new transition period.It can be said that this kind of foreign exchange activities conducted through the Internet can be generally referred to as cyber diplomacy.Cyber diplomacy has become the development direction of the world's diplomatic reform currently.We need to further emphasize the development of cyber diplomacy and deepen the theoretical study of cyber diplomacy.At present,the Internet has become a new platform for countries in the world to govern countries in the world,and it has gradually become a new stage for international exchanges and cooperation among countries.The development of the cyber diplomacy will play more greatly role in national diplomacy in future.There are four parts in this thesis.The first one,I define the concept of cyber diplomacy and state the basic connotation of cyber diplomacy on combing and analyzing the authoritative researches for cyber diplomacy from home and abroad..The second part analyzes the current status of the China's cyber diplomacy thoroughly.We can see has achieved significant results in establishing good national image and improving the effectiveness of external communications form comprehensive study of case on "New China" for development of cyber diplomacy leading by official.Local governments has highly brought into correspondence with the central government.With assistance of central government's planning and helping,they promote the development of China's cyber diplomacy by hosting international events and cultural exchanges.As an important part of public diplomacy,cyber diplomacy is a new form of public diplomacy in the Internet age.At the beginning of the transition of diplomatic methods,the development of cyber diplomacy is conducive to enriching the content of public diplomacy and expanding the development space for public accordingly.With the increasingly intent interaction among countries in the world,the new platform called Internet for managing state affairs by nationals is loved by great states.Cyber diplomacy has began a new stage for countries to cooperate and exchange.The Chinese government has held four World Internet Conference in succession since 2014,China's positive role in global cyberspace governance highlights the figure of a responsible power country;The third part,comparing with the development of cyber diplomacy in western developed countries to find out the problems our country's will be faced.The problems of Internet technology,the status in international public opinion structure,the subject of cyber diplomacy participation,the mode of dissemination and the Internet behavior of netizens are more prominent.It needs us to pay more attention to develop the cyber diplomacy.In addition,we must soberly realize that in the course of the development of cyber diplomacy,there has also been an incoordination between the government agencies and non-governmental forces,also some institutions have not adapted to the cyber diplomacy work.The last part,we must firmly grasp the theme of development of the times,deepening the development of cyber diplomacy with the changing times.At the same time,the construction of "Cyber Destiny Community" requires the cooperation of cyber diplomacy.So we must improve the organizational mechanism for the development of China's cyber diplomacy and actively guiding them in their ability to conduct healthy external exchanges in response to the bad cyber behavior of Internet users.Of course,we must also change the traditional diplomacy concept from the perspective of thinking and pay more attention to the development of China's cyber diplomacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cyber Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, Cyberspace Governance, Cyber Destiny Community
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