With the deep integration and extensive application of cloud computing,Internet of things,big data and other new-generation Internet and information technologies,data resources in cyberspace have become a critical factor that drives innovative ecomic and social development.In the era of big data,data sovereignty has gradually become a fundamental right of economic development,social stability and national security."PRISM GATE" fully exposed the U.S.government,through its network supremacy harm the safety of the network data space is large,a serious violation of cyberspace sovereignty of big data,and alert the.national governments to protect cyberspace sovereignty of big data security protection consciousness.As the extension of national sovereignty in cyberspace,the national sovereignty of network space is related to the security and core interests of a country.To know earlier,some developed countries have worked out some policies and measures to safeguard national sovereignty,big data,and in this respect is relatively backward in our country,not only to know,and the lack of corresponding security,policy measures and laws and regulations.Based on the analysis research network space state the basic concept of big data,which leads to the cyberspace national sovereignty basic concept and the essential connotation,big data,solve the network space state sovereignty of big data definition vague problems;Then,through the analysis of the typical cases of "PRISM GATE ",it points out the security threat and the governance dilemma faced by the big data sovereignty of China's cyberspace.Finally use a case of three systems in the public crisis management basic theory and method of research to establish specialized to deal with large data may occur under the background of network space countries large data sovereignty major sudden crisis governance mechanism. |