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Marx's Theory Of World History And Its Enlightenment On The Construction Of A Community With A Shared Future For Mankind

Posted on:2021-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330605460048Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx ’s theory of world history is one of the important achievements of the Marxist theoretical system.General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively summarized world history theory as one of the nine major aspects of Marxist theory at the conference commemorating the 200 th anniversary of Marx ’s birth.Marx’s theory of world history is incorporated into the party’s literature.Marx’s theory of world history is a scientific revelation of the basic laws of national history turning to world history,and has important epoch value.Today,the "world history" portrayed by Marx is further formed,and the world is increasingly integrated.There is only one earth for mankind,and all countries share a common ground.In fact,they are already in a community of destiny.Faced with this trend of "world history",General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the idea of global governance advocating the community of human destiny.This idea has received high attention from all over the world and has been generally understood and recognized.Building the community of shared future for mankind is a difficult global governance issue that requires the full use of human wisdom.On the issue of promoting the construction of community of shared future for mankind,Marx’s theory of world history still shines with wisdom.It is of great practical significance to analyze Marx’s world historical theory from the perspective of building the community of shared future for mankind.Based on a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation and excavation of Marx’s world historical theory,it is of great practical significance and reference value to elaborate the times inspiration of Marx’s world history theory in building the community of shared future for mankind.This article intends to use literature research methods,system analysis methods,historical logic methods and other research methods,based on the study of Marx’s classic works,based on Marx’s world history theory as the foundation,to seek the practical significance of promoting the community of human destiny.The first part is the research premise of the thesis.First,make a basic interpretation of the relevant concepts of "world history",including the interpretation of the concept of "world history" by Hegel and Marx;secondly,separately interpret "world history" and "globalization" and The connection and difference in the scope of nature between the three "Community of Human Destiny".The second part combs the creation and development process of Marx’s world history theory according to the time points of the classic text.The social and historical background and theoretical sources of the establishment of Marx’s world history theory are explained from two aspects,theory and practice,and are divided into three stages: the germination stage,the formal formation stage,and the deepening and expansion stage.The third part mainly summarizes this theoretical system from five aspects: the formation subject,the main driving force,the formation symbol,the development path,and the ultimate goal of world historical development.The fourth part focuses on the analysis of the new era enlightenment of Marx’s world history theory for the construction of a community of human destiny.It is mainly explained from the following five aspects.First,it promotes economic globalization and opposes the “reverse globalization” tendency.Second,fight for the dominance of globalization and achieve catch-up in relatively backward nation states.Again,promote joint construction and sharing,and promote the modernization of the global governance system.Once again,promote the "Belt and Road" and build a carrier of the community of shared future for mankind.Finally,build the community of shared future for mankind and create the realistic conditions for the " Free People’s Union".
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, World history, Theory of world history, the Community of Shared Future for Mankind
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