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Research On The Influencing Factors Of College Students’ Online Sports Consumption Based On The Explanatory Structure Model

Posted on:2020-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330572982771Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of China’s economy has entered a new stage,the quality of life of the people has been increasing,and the relative leisure and entertainment time has increased.Sports consumption has gradually become a very important part of daily life consumption.In turn,with the rapid development of the Internet,consumers are provided with a shopping channel that does not leave the house,and online sports consumption is increasingly favored by consumers.As a special consumer group,college students are the promoters of China’s economy and one of the important consumer groups.The number of college students in China is now more and more,showing a rapid rise,which has become the main body of current network consumption.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the influencing factors of college students’ online sports consumption.Firstly,through the research and analysis of a large amount of literature data,the initial indicators of college students’ online sports consumption are extracted,and two first-level indicators and three second-level indicators are set respectively.Secondly,by constructing the indicator system and combining the expert opinions,the final two secondary indicators are determined: the individual and the environment,and the two secondary indicators of the primary selection are deleted and revised,and finally the network sports affecting college students are finally obtained.The eight main factors of consumption are: demographic variables,consumption motivation,consumption experience,consumption attitude,website construction,website products,website services,and purchase risks.Finally,in order to understand more intuitively which of the eight main influencing factors is the root cause factor,it is the factor of priority exploration,so construct the interpretation structure model of college students’ online sports consumption.Through the construction of the explanatory structure model,it is possible to visually and clearly show the hierarchy and logical relationship among the various factors,and to analyze and propose targeted recommendations.The third factor is the demographic variable,which is also the most important factor.When college students are engaged in online sports consumption,they should pay attention to the particularity of college students as a consumer group.From the perspective of demographic variables such as income and age,special circumstances should be treated specially;The second factor is the consumption motivation.The consumption motivation of college students when they are engaged in online sports consumption is not unique.The website should cater to its characteristics.The students can actively participate in the online sports consumption by using various methods for their particularity.The first layer of influencing factors are consumer experience,consumer attitudes,website construction,website merchandise,website services and purchase risk.In order to have a better experience and positive attitude when college students are engaged in online sports consumption,the consumer experience in the whole process of sports consumption and even the privacy protection mechanism and after-sales service after the end of sports consumption must be strictly required to allow more college students.Plunge into sports.By constructing the explanatory structure model of the influencing factors of college students’ online sports consumption,it provides a new perspective for promoting the better and faster development of online sports consumption.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interpret structural model, college students, Network Sports Consumption, influencing factor
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